Saturday, March 1, 2014

Video blog? Maybe don't know how to load from phone to blogger:(

Not a lot to say this am, well a lie.  Have lots to say but not on this blog.

Last night was a celebration dinner and I got props from svp!  It was nice.  The big boss even stood and clapped for me :). Feels good to be appreciated.  That is all I will say on the topic of office BS today.  It's my last full day in paradise and I don't want to think about what happens when I go back to work Thursay.  It's beyond me or my understanding.

I went the buffet this am.  I ate to much and feel gross!  Cheese Ommie, 1.5 waffles and lots of coffee makes me a full boy.  Hopefully the rain will stay away.  So I can sun my self, as the black fish who is a part time land mammal after all and when on dry land I require lots of SUN!

Dinner last night was amazing!

I didn't over eat and after staying at bar till one no binges!  That is good.  The kale  salad last night was fucking awesome and if I could get kale like that everyday I'd eat it!  

I got nothing feel at drift

Enjoy the photos!

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