Friday, March 14, 2014

A new start: happy Friday

A new start: happy Friday

Am I better?  Am I worse?  Am I happy?  Am I sad?  Am I dying? Am I stressed?  Am I lonely?  Does it matter?  Any of it?  Because today we start fresh the sun rose today in the east.  I got up and I realized the scale doesn't matter.  The addictions don't matter.  The emails don't matter.  My life is what I choose to make of it.  Tonight I will meet a new person.  Tyson.  He is going to cook for me.  I'm excited.  I need a kick start.  It's going to be fun!  It's exciting.  I get another and final chance to fix my life.  I say final because it's working people.  I've come so far.  I've faced so many things.  I have forgiven many, but mostly myself for all wrongs.  I'm still angry but that's ok.  It takes time.  Wounds will heel they always do but the scars will remain.  Scars do that. However every scar we have is a badge of honor.  It's proof that we have moved on and survived. I'm a survivor.  I will get by, I find a way.  Today I wake up to a world that is mine for the taking.  Some people have left the path, that's ok, we will press on, because the only thing that matters is my health.  My salvation.  Today I begin my journey, no that's not right, today I hike on a new path, I've crossed from inner-world to mid-world and I'm on the path of the beam.  I push forward and I walk with my head high!  My chin up.  A man who isn't sick of the life he has but one ready for the next stage.  I'm not mad at you if you don't want to come with me, it's ok, really it will all be good.  All we have to do is decide what to do with the time we are given.  I choose to live my life.  I choose to stand and be true.  I choose to take control over my eating.  My mind has begged for forgiveness.  I understand I was weak mind and had a black soul.  I understand that now is the only time that matters.  That now is my time.  My place.  Be selfish!  Be free!  Be love.  Stand.  Fight.  Start new.  It's ok to be scared.  It's ok to be happy.   It's ok.  It's all ok.  It's Friday.  I'm starting fresh.   A new life is being formed.  Re-birth is upon us.  Go then, there are other worlds and paths than these.   Like my stories or hate them.   Talk or don't.  Laugh or cry.  I choose to laugh and I choose to hope and I choose to be me and to be free.   Happy Friday and to the first day of the rest of my life!

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