Wednesday, March 5, 2014

825 Hard 3/4/14 swim

825 Hard 3/4/14 swim

First I wish that the title meant I swam 825 all hard.  It doesn't.  It means I swam an 825 today (3/4/2014) and it was hard.

If you would have told me swimming 825 freestyle pyramid would have been hard last December I would have snickered at you.  I was man on a mission.  I swam and swam and I was awesome.  The world moved on.  I stopped swimming and the wheels came off.

That's ok though.  If life was easy would it be worth living?  If everything was given to you would you ever really appreciate it?  The answer to both are no.

My quest is pure and true and very hard.  I'm not looking for a quick fix or to drop 100 lbs quick only to put it on again and more.  No.  I'm searching for my soul and a life I can be proud of and that's hard.    Right wrong in different, whatever my quest is hard.  I must whether  the good and the bad.    

So back to this 825 freestyle pyramid that took me 22 minutes to swim.  It was tough.  My lungs hurt.  Every last lap of my 7 sets I played Barracuda Run.  What you say?  I played Barracuda Run.  Basically in the last lap of each set I swam a twenty five yards balls out.  As hard as I could go.  It's not as fast or as hard as it once was, but we will get there.  I kick in my stress mode or survival mode and I head into the wall before my final turn and say if I don't out swim it the I'll never see Robby, Anna, G, Ally, Brin, Brod, or Claire again, that Barracuda will fucking eat me.  So I go.  I kick hard as i can and pull more water and I get the heart rate up.  It's actually quite hard but fun!  It makes me go. Body starts thinking dude you not moving fast enough you have to get going or else.  So eventually my body will let the weight go.  Eventually my mind will say you can't be eating no in and out man or the Barracuda will get u.  Eat some greens and a grass feed meat.  Get your healthy on man!  We can't get eaten or we will never see our little ones again.  Or shiner or the beav or her or my wives 1 and 2.  You get the
Point and it gets me pushing.  

So my 825 was hard.  But I did it.

Anyway off to shower and get my beard trimmed!  Then to WF to get me something for dinner!

A busy day:

- up at 9
- breakfast
- played w dog
- pool 825 swim
- 1/2 hour hot tube
- 1 hour chilling outside
- beard trim.
- wrote 1 blog
- wrote 2 blogs
- wrote 3 blogs oh my
- cooked dinner.
- prepped dinner for tomorrow
- walked the dog
- harassed my roommate!

A great vacation day!

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