Friday, March 28, 2014

Happy Friday - the dog that stole my heart!

Happy Friday - the dog that stole my heart!

Quarter end is a lot of full days.  This one has been more mild than normal so working an 9 hour days during last week of Q has been incredible.  It doesn't hurt I have two solid deal people supporting me.  My life is easier and workload is spread!  Makes life "tolerable"!  However the work and all the non-sense around the office can be exhausting.  Then general stress of being deal desk makes me tired.  So the point if I haven't made it is I'm tired.  Although working less.  Make sense?  All I'm trying to say is I'm tired.

So I stopped by WW squared on way home and I'll stick by my comment last week, I won't talk about weekly weight fluxes but what I'll say is I trust Tyson Griffin completely and we are eating real whole natural food and I'm digging it!  I love the food.  Last night at drinks I didn't have one appetizer, not because I couldn't because I knew it wouldn't fuel the body right.  That it wasn't in my window of eating times and I want to win.  Tyson you rock brother!  I'm learning!    I stopped by the whole foods to pick up some snacks.  Then I set up a daily walk w my team as a daily close, check in meeting but we have to walk the entire time, so guess what just added 30 minutes of moving in 5 days a week.  We all promised each other we'd do it, therefore it will be done!

So as I'm pulling in I get very excited because it's time to see puppy.  

I heard her dancing in the tile when I pulled in.  That little rap, rap, rap behind the door.  I open the door with great anticipation and there is trash all over the floor.  Chewed up coffee trey.   Chewed up paper bag.  Chewed up wrappers.  I was not happy!

She new it too.  She crawled down on all fours and and her ears were pulled back and I felt bad, but I was mad.  I set her on the porch and went about cleaning it up after I informed her she was bad and showed her the trash.  After I cleaned up l let her back in.  

I was distant from her.  I told her I didn't want to play, I have her pill, but didn't really play with her.  I warned up my food and sat down to eat.  All while she sat and looked at me with ears pulled back. 

I told her to stay sitting down while
I took out the trash.  I went outside and and put out the trash.  I walked back in and she wasn't at the back door ask I expected.  I turned into the living room and there was puppy laying on the floor face on the ground and ears pulled all the way back and she was shaking.  It was so sad.  She was so upset.  Most of all it broke my heart!  I was so sad that I went to her and started petting her.  I felt so awful.  The puppy broke my heart!   I really felt like a monster. 

I realized I really love that Puppy :)

The I walked her and played with her.  She is a good dog.   She just gets a little curious sometimes.

Anyway.  It's Friday and I wish you all the best and here is to another week!  Enjoy the weekend!

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