Thursday, March 6, 2014

200th Blog.... Milestone.. Wow

As I sit down to write the 200th blog, I am wishing I could really come up with something special. I really wanted to hit the nail on the head and write this powerful and beautiful blog. I'll be honest I don't have anything beautiful to say right now or anything special. How I wish I did.

What I know for sure is over the course of the last 200 blogs I've grown so much as man.  I set this blog up upon returning home from a family visit in the Midwest last September. Some would say not enough. Perhaps at times I am one of those. I don’t know.   

I am proud of myself. I'm facing all my hopes, dreams, and fears head on. That is all any of us can really ask for isn't it? I think yes. I'm not the same man who started this in the fall. To be completely honest since the start of August of 2013 I have not been the same man. I want to live. I choose life.  I want to be healthy and happy to have an amazing life!

I sat down and wrote up my positives from my last day of vacation. Also, I tried to set up some basic goals I want to do over the next 3 and 6 months.

3/5/14 Positives:

- up at 9
- played with dog for an hour
- swam 825 Boob Stroke
- spent three hours outside just being happy
- wrote blog
- cooked dinner
- ate greens and they were delish!
- walked dog
- set up time to see Omar, the fittest person I know, good shape and good mind, positive, can't beat that
- finished laundry
- cleaned room!

What a great day!

One of my goals for this quarter is to take an inventory of what is in my life. If it doesn't make me 100% happy, it's out. If stresses me or I can't trust it 100% it's out. It's time to make my world positive. It's time to surround myself with love, hope, and healing. People, foods, tasks, and places everything is up for review. Hell even this blog is on the list to be reviewed.

Goal 1is by June 30 I want to be walking 1 hour every day. Now I don't care if the snails are passing me. This isn't about speed it's about moving. I think for a former walker of halves that is a reasonable goal. Also it will help me with goal 2.

Goal 2 - spend as much time as I can with puppy! She's a life saver and while her mom is busy getting up to speed in a new job and working insane hours she needs a friend. I need a friend too. So it works. I know it sounds dumb but it's nice to have something that needs u and vice versa. I haven't had a lot of that. Plus I want to do this outside. The house and TV are boring. So I need to learn how to walk her good, and play with her. I don't think my yanking her tail is fun for her. :)

Goal 3 - be mobile. It's another one that unless you walked in my shoes you'll never get. However, did you know I'd rather drink McDonald's coffee than Peet’s? Not because it tastes better but because it's easier to go to a drive thru than it is to get out of my car. Sad isn't it? I'll tell u, yes it is. I got a big belly. My car is small. Do the math. I don't slide in easy like I should. End of August I'm getting in and out of that thing. Also I need to be more limber and agile. It's hard to pick stuff up. It's hard to go up and down stairs. It's hard to fit into bathrooms that aren't at my home. It's even hard to get out of chairs and the couch, hell even bed without holding on to something and pulling up. Shits got to stop! I have to get more mobile. I'm hoping Omar can help me with that!  I know the swimming and the small walks already are.  

Goal 4 - be positive. I'm trying. It is really hard to be healthy and happy and positive for me. I miss the comfort of being sad.  My soul has been corrupted.  I have lived in the dark for far too long.  I need to stay the course. I won't go down in history as a bitter fat dude. I won't. I need to meditate more, focus on the gifts of life and the passion I have for life. I do love to be alive and laugh! Laughing is a healing power! When someone tells me I'm the comic relief I need to take that as a good thing that I can make them laugh and not a bad one like I'm just a passing joke or a clown. It's all a matter of perspective! This is an on-going life change and goal.

Goal 5 - one green one fruit a day. Every day no matter what, I got to eat them. In tonight's dinner I'm having asparagus and I can't wait. I never thought I'd say that. I want greens! I have to add at least one a day, every day! Plus some type of fresh fruit. Even if it means spending 6 bucks a pop on the precut whole foods fruit! I love there berry mix! Whole natural food! Yum! So let’s get green people! This is by the end of August goal.

Goal 6: drink the sun, Everyday! Get out in the sun. Work in my tan, but more importantly drink it is vitality. We need it! I want it.  I am a sun junky!  I am totally addicted.  I could sit in the sun and do nothing but drinking it in all day every day!

I think those are good achievable things!

Oh, finally, everything I do. I ask myself one simple question: "how does this get me to my tower?" Or "does this serve my goals?"

I'm on a journey to safe my life! My life is getting more and more amazing every day! Come along for the ride!

200th Blog Special: My Biggest Loser Audition Tape, Special thanks to Meng on this one!

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