Sunday, March 16, 2014

Getting ready for the first week of the rest of my life...

:)  I have to smile.  This weekend was really productive.  First and for most, I got to spend about 5 hours in the sun!  There is nothing I love more than being a sun bum and soaking up the vitality.  I posted four or was it five blogs?  I meet with Tyson, love that dude, he is my teammate on Team Billy b or as we call it the Reaper Unit.  I have washed fruit snacks and have them ready to go to work.  I have packed my lunch and made my smoothie for tomorrow morning (ok Rachel made the smoothie)  She is the smoothie maker, but I packed my lunch :D and I washed the fruit and cut the strawberries.  I am really excited because everything is now about moving forward.  I can't go backwards anymore.  I need to start my nightly swimming again.  Thinking about joining the masters program in Pleasanton again.  I mean while I am in the area shouldn't I at least use the best program I know of?  That way I get professional training.  Not 100% I am going to pack my swim gear tonight, so if it is Pleasanton or the SJSRC I still get in the pool.

Meal plan has been great so far.  I have drank 5 liters of water today!

I am feeling good.  Still anxious as hell.  Still tight in the chest, but I think that is just stress.  I have to let go.  I will let go.  It just takes time.

I think I am rambling now.   oh well..

thanks again Tyson for getting me jump started!!!


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