Friday, March 21, 2014

Happy Friday – the Power of 3


First happy Friday to you dear reader, I hope the first Friday of spring is super fantastic. 

They say good things come in 3’s.  I don’t know if this is true or not.  What I know for sure is I have three things to say.  1.  I followed Tyson’s plan all week and it was great!  Thank you so much Mr. Tyson!  2.  What I know is I followed Tyson plan this week.  2.  I feel fucking great!  I have not felt this good in a long time.  3.  I am not going to discuss weight loss on a week to week basis as far as how much I gain or lost after tonight.  The reason is weight loss doesn’t matter.  Living a healthy and happy life does matter.  Being surrounded by the people you love matters.  Not what my weight is week to week.  What matters is I follow Tyson’s plan.  I start moving and I get better.  That is my focus.  The focus this blog and the focus of my life is to move more, eat less, feel better and live.  Maybe have some love along the way.  Maybe have some moments that are so sweet and unforgettable that we smile so big we can’t stop ourselves.  That is life.  How it should be.  Life was not meant to be lived in a cube, in an office, or anything like that. I was meant to be outside in the sun.  Living, laughing, loving and being free mind, body, and spirit, free!

So, one week of working with Tyson I am hydrated.  Feeling really good about my life and moving forward.  Taking baby steps towards the life I want to live.  Also, I lost three pounds.  I weight in the same clothes and at the same time as a week ago and I am down 3 lbs. 

The truth is I wanted to be down more.  I wanted to report 9 or 12 or something astonishing.   However, let us take a moment and think about 3.  Let us ponder it and see where it takes us.  If I kept up this pace for the next 52 weeks I would be down 156 lbs.  I would kill to be 320 lbs again.  I would kill for it.  Hell change it to 2 lbs a week and I would kill to be 370 again.  Pretty pathetic I know.  However, it is true.  You realize how much more I lived when I was at those weights?  It was crazy.  The best part is I don’t feel like I am on a diet.  I am feel like I am working on changing my life and that is a really good feeling. 

So, think about this, we all know I will start moving more.  The pool calls to me.  I think about it everyday.  After quarter end if not next week  I will be returning to Masters Swim in Pleasanton.  So, lets add movement to eating right.  Think about it.  3 could be 8, or 3 could be zero if I add muscle.  The point is I feel good, I don’t feel deprived.  As long as I get a good variety, I will push towards my goals.  I will eat better.  Sure I will have challenges.  However, emotionally this week sucked balls.  But I didn’t break. I kept going.  I kept chasing the dream.  The goal.   If I can make it through this week, I can make it through any week. 

So, we have good food.  We have a good plan for movement.  Masters swim, 1.5 hours four nights a week.  What… look out.  Walking the dog, as much as possible.  at least four times a week.

Sounds like a good plan so far.  It all starts with feeling good about what we put into the body.  That all starts with our man Tyson bringing over the goods. 

Now… what else has helped has been my friends.  Talking to them and being myself.  My friends or buddies is what make this thing go!  I am a social creature and I need my people. 

So look at that it is three things that make me successful 1. Tyson and his good food.  2. Movement. 3. Good friends.  I guess good things do come in 3’s.  Wow.  I didn’t even mean to do that.  Happy Fucking Friday People!!!!!  I am excited for another week!!! 

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