Sunday, March 23, 2014

My first Pony

My first Pony

Is it really my first pony tail if you had done it before back when you were 15 and rock a mullet, camaro hair (although I never rocked a mullet when I had my 95 camaro convertible), or hockey hair if you will.  But this is the first time I have pulled my bang back to back of my head and locked it into place with a rubber band.  Funny thing about
The rubber band is from asparagus, it reads organic asparagus.  Not sure but I think that is great.

I said a lot of good byes last night and this morning.  Mainly to a broken fractured life, that was marked with great expectations, but less than stellar drive and execution. 

Today we woke up to a new day and a new life.  We say good bye to fear, hate, and anger or we try to as we are committed to not let it rule our life.  To rather deal with it upfront before it can festor.  

I'm moving on.  Mana and I spoke about it at great length on Friday.  She pointed out some very valid points of remnants of my old life.  Sister Bb did as well.  She said let go of the things that are a distraction and only move forward with what makes you happy and keeps you focused.  

The lightening storm that was triggered in my mind over the last two night just went on to confirm this.

So I sit here in meditation in the presence of my main god the sun, and I pull my hair back into my first real pony.  It's Steven Seagal in hard to kill, not Steven Seagal out for justice.  It will get there.  I sort of feel like an old Japanese warrior or Qui gon pull my hear back to keep out of my face during meditation.  

I will sit here in the sun for an hour or three and say my world and visualize the me I am suppose to be, not the me I am.  This is how I spend my time till I can walk and run and move again to start training.  Everything I do now can only be to
Love forward. 

Good bye to a life that is over, and to the man who had to be reborn.  

So it's so much more than just a pony, it's the start of life in the badlands.  The stale mate in the Great War for my mind had been broken, ground has been gained.  

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