Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The answer suprised me, but should it have?

“Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go but rather learning to start over.” 
Nicole Sobon, Program 13

“Sooner or later we've all got to let go of our past.” 
Dan Brown, Deception Point

“People around the world were moving from one place to another. No one was staying.” 
Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

“She took a step and didn't want to take any more, but she did.” 
Markus Zusak, The Book Thief


Sometimes things come out of your mouth that you didn’t realize where there.   Also, it shows you just how ready for change you really are.  I was in a “meeting” today and this is how the conversation went:

“Would you be willing to relocate?  I am not asking you to, but the markets in San Diego and Santa Barbara are blowing up right now and it is quiet exciting.”  The man said.

Without hesitation, without having to think, without remorse the kid said “In a heartbeat.  I have nothing keeping me here.  That is my dream.  It is where I want to be eventually.  Yes, I would relocate there, yes, yes I would.”

Doesn’t it say a lot?  How ready and willing I am to move on.   The world is changing.  I am doing things for one person and one person only now.  ME.  As my new friend told me the other day while we held palaver over working out a proper meal plan for me, so that I can eat good health, nutrition, nutrient rich food full of vitality.  He says to me “Billy b, it is time.”  I was like time for what?  “time for you to be selfish and focus on you!”  I said, “YA, IT IS, it is the time of the Black Reaper!”

Speaking of which I will be back writing the Black Reaper V later today.  I just felt like I need to say something about moving on.  It just feels right. 

The world is moving on.

I am walking.  40 minutes last night, no knee pain.  I am swimming 1025 on Sunday, no pain.  Life is happening all around me.

The time of Billy b is now!  The time to live is now!  The time to stand and be true is now! 

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