Friday, February 28, 2014

Can there ever be a disappointing g day in paradise?

If so, it's today!  It rained.  Boo.  So I tried to nap, and I couldn't.  I stayed out till bar time last night and then was up till 4 am I don't sleep well out of my bed.   Perhaps it's more than that.  Felt a lot of stress lately due unsettled nature of things and the direction other things are going.  Sometimes u just have to ask yourself what the fuck of some people thinking.  Mainly work shit.  Ok all.  Anyway.   I will play the jokers I've been sitting on, and we a know jokers are wild.  See you shouldnt think about this shit in paradise! I shouldn't worry.  KA is a wheel and those who are true and do the right thing shall prevail.

On a good note, we are getting better people.  We are!  It might not show on the scale or in the waistline but it is in the mind and heart.  Little changes.  Little bitty changes.  

Last night I'm out till bar time.  I can't sleep.  What do I normally due? I eat!  I eat and eat.  Whatever I can get my hands in, I eat it!  Not last night.  I didn't even think about it.  I woke up and was like really all those beers and no food?  Nice!

Then this mornings hangover food: plate of fruit see below.  What?  No bacon, sausage?  Burger?  No I craved natural delish.  It was good fruit too! I enjoyed.

Last night at dinner didn't finish my fries and I only had one Mac ball!  Mac bal?  Yes fried Mac an cheese ball.  It was tasty, see below.  But one and done.  

Little changes day to day.  It will carry yd through.  That's all we can ask for :)

Last night and today pics... Sorry they suck :)


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