Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Guardian at the Gate: Book II - The Dead Aren't Even safe in Wander

Clipping from the Wander, Indiana paper the Tribune:


The Dead Aren’t Even safe in Wander?
By Alicia Kiely
The Tribune


Apparently, in a town like Wander, IN, not even the grave is safe from crime. Grave robbers stripped at least three plots at a historic Hull Cemetery, which sits just on the edge of the Wander city limits on the corner of Sullivan Road and East Curry Drives.  The Sheriff’s department was called on the scene after a mourner who wishes to remain anonymous reported the three graves being dug up and vandalized.

"The Graves were dug up and some of the departed extremities were missing.  This was not done in a very delicate way," Wander Sheriff Joe Brackens said from the scene.

"They excavated a grave, and took various body parts.  All the graves impacted where from the last one to three weeks.  At this point we don't have a lot to tell the people, but we are horrifically sorry that people’s loved ones have been subjected to this, we are working on making this right"

Hull Cemetery is one of Wander's oldest cemeteries and coincidentally sits across from large house owned by Lucas Vanderlock.

The Vanderlock’s have most recently been in the news as their daughter Janine continues to be listed by the Wander’s Sheriff’s department as missing. Even though the police had recovered a body that bore a strong resemblance to the Vanderlock’s missing 19 year-old daughter.

Sheriff Brackens assures us that the two crimes aren’t linked in anyway “Well to tell you the truth, I hadn’t really thought about.  What is happening with the Vanderlock’s daughter is terrible, I am sure this is completely unrelated and a coincident.  These gravesite robberies are normally an act of young kids on a dare or some other prank.”
Scores of distraught family members flooded the cemetery to check on the graves of their loved ones and tried to find answers but at this point there does not appear to be any.  There are just a lot more questions and uncertainty here in Wander.

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