Monday, February 17, 2014


I am back...  30 minutes, 625 yards, and I am back.   Used my new watch today.  I still hate you Kenny.  It is pretty cool.  It says i only went 525, but we had some growing pains.  Even though I read the manual I wasn't sure exactly to to start and stop each interval.  Then I was so tired on the last one hundred I wasn't glidding on the turns long enough so it only counted a single lap.  That is ok.  Growing pains.  Over all the watch is easy to use and a huge help for me. once I can start relying on it full time, I won't have to worry if I miss a click on the ring of time, see it on my index finger. 

my three day weekend is drawing to a close.  as with all three day weekends I feel like I wasted to much time.  Although, I got all my laundry done, folded and put away.  I organized my bathroom.   I organized my home office desk. I wrote three blogs and made another one. I got just enough work done to keep me employed for another week i guess, yeee.  i got out in the sun and I drank it.  what?  yes I drank in the sun. I reached out to my old friend Omar and will start working with him again.  He is the fittest and most positive dude I know.  He was trying to help me get my mind right back during my NetIQ days.  He helped push me enough to PR in back to back Half Marathons and he is just a good dude to have on my side.  A friend I want to learn more from.  I know for sure i want him to help me start punching again.  A bag, not a person.  Well maybe a few people, but hey do deserve it.  He used to make me box.  I loved it and hated it.  I know if anyone can hlep me get moving agian it is him.  I need to think how it could/would work.  i mean i really did a lot more than i give myself credit for. 

wow, I am really tired from my swim.  I was going to take a nap, but decide to write this and walk puppy instead.  we went for a little walk around the complex.  we will go around the block tonight after she has her puppy food.  tomorrow, I am going back to the pool.  800 pyramid mix.  Every 4th lap we swim as fast as we can from one side to the other and we act like the mythical creatures what are they called Sharks are chasing us.   Trying to jump start my fight or flight routines.  Right now the only thing I can out swim is well note a lot. 

let's see how my night tomorrow will go. Close computer at 5:30 p.m. so we can be in the water by 7 on the way from Pton to san jose we will have a mojo bar and a water.  then we go:

50   Boob
100 Free
150 Boob
200 Free
150 Boob
100 Free
50   Boob

every last lap is sprint

rest 1:30 between intervals

It is really great to be back in the water.... It just makes me feel right...  just right... i mean when I got in today, it felt like I was home. 

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