Sunday, February 23, 2014

825.... And sunny outlook

You have to 
Love February in California!  Especially when it is like today:). Amazing!

Even better I got back in the pool!  I swam 825 and it was hard.  Was in water for 36 minutes but only swam for 28.  Finally got my 800 yard pyramid in, with five sprints.  God, I'm out of shape.  The sprints are hard.  Especially the free style.  

Goal for this up coming week.  Track all pts.  Walk four times and swim twice.  The key is to be in sun and to move!

Yesterday was a good day!

- cleaned room.
- went to osh
- did video blog
- fixed stuff in bathroom

Today is laundry day, boring I know but have to get it all done.  Might get some new shirts if there are any wicking ones on south SJ.

Overall good weekend!  Can't complain!  Have time coming up soon, will be nice.  Need to reboot!

excited we are moving again!  I was worried we wouldn't.  

Anyway get out today and drink in the sun, if you can't then just do something positive and and get revitalized!

Today is a good day!

Today we rise!

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