Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day in the sun!

I am health, strength, peace, happiness, and prosperity!

I am health, strength, peace, happiness, and prosperity!

I am health, strength, peace, happiness, and prosperity!

I am! I see it in my minds eye. I see my victory coming. Yes, I feel weak. Yes, I feel tamed. I feel like a caged lion. I feel that I'm limited by what I can do and it's at my own hand. I did this to me. It's ok. That was a man who no longer exists. Now, I a man who has learned and grown. Who understands life is defined by moments and actions. I am a man who has chosen life. I sit her by the pool and I feel the sun healing me. I feel it burning into my skin. I feel it, I love it, I live it. I feel it's energy pulse into me. It makes me want to be fearless. It makes me want to dance with dragons! I believe I am being reborn. I believe in the wheel of KA. I accept that I once failed so badly I let my body and mind go. I accept I will gain no more weight and I can learn to live and be happy as I am, as long as there is the sun. I understand there are plots at foot and people will try to move me and sway me. I understand you won't always believe in me. It's fine. I do! I understand rebirth is about Rising! Rising above the politics, the games, and finding what makes me smile. What makes me happy. It is time to Rise and burn bright like the ball of fire in the sky that I bow and worship. That thing that feels me with vitality and life! I will Rise! Rise with me and burn bright with me! I can do this and I am! Aloha!

I am health, strength, peace, happiness, and prosperity!

I am health, strength, peace, happiness, and prosperity!

I am health, strength, peace, happiness, and prosperity!

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