Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Guardian at the Gate - Book I - Chapter 5 - Joey DeCarlo

Chapter 5 – Joey DeCarlo

            He pulled his long black hair behind his head and banded it with a black rubber band.  He couldn’t believe how long it had gotten in the front.  The hair was touching his stomach when he had bent forward to pull it back into its customary tail. 
            Maybe he should cut a few inches off?  Brit would like that.  The thought of Brit made him smile. What star had he found her on?  He didn’t recall.  The fact that she had been willing to come to this place with him though and for him made him smile even bigger.  Her naming day was rapidly approaching and he had a flight to Japan to catch to get her birthday gift.  He checked his watch.  Then he moved towards the large oaken door and opened it.
            The blinds of the office were closed and the room was very dim, with shadows dancing off everything.  The office was old, very old, and furnished extravagantly in the old styles, was if late 30’s or early 40’s?  He didn’t recall, the world had moved on since then.  There were leather high back chairs across form a large antique mahogany desk. Each wall was lined with naked leather couches. The couch on the right wall was the more worn of the two.  It had several old scars on it, some roughness, dog scratches, and cigarette burn or two.  It was the only thing in the office that wasn’t kept immaculately.  This is where Joey DeCarlo parked himself. The lived on look made it the more inviting.  The cushion was well worn and comfortable.  The couch on the other wall made you feel like you were sitting on a stone slab.  The couch on the right wall belong more in a dorm room than an office.  That was probably why Joey liked it so much. 
            Once Joey sat down he pulled out his Camel Lights and lit one or where they Camel Blues now?  He immediately ashed his cigarettes in the old black stinkycigar stand that sat next to the couch.  More of a habit he had picked up over his long years of smoking.  He assumed this couch got so much more use because of the stinkycigar stand than any other reason.  He knew comfort and an ash trey were to things he liked in a seat.  As he took a long pull off his camel he looked behind the desk at the man who sat in brown leather executive style chair.  It was old chair.  It had been his father’s chair and so on and so forth.  Joey knew the family history of this house better than all but a few.  It was Joey’s job to know. 
            The man in the office chair hair was brown and combed straight back.  It was shaggy on the sides but always seemed to stay in place.  It wasn’t unruly like Joey’s and didn’t need to be constantly pulled into a ponytail.  No it just sat perfectly.  The man’s pail blue eyes were cold and focused on the boy who sat across from him.  The man rubbed his throat in between his faded blue office shirt then ran his hand through that perfect hair.  It didn’t seem to move.
“La vostra famiglia è Torelli?” The man said.
“Hai!” the boy replied.
“Then I suggest you act like a Torelli.”
The boy shot to his feet and grabbed his suit jacket off the opposite chair.   He didn’t even glance at Joey as he passed on his way to slamming the large oak door and poof he was gone.
The man behind the desk opened his desk drawer and pulled out a can of Kodiak.  He snapped it between thumb and forefinger and then twisted the top off.  He placed a large pinch between gum and check. Then packed it in with his tongue.  He looked over at Joey for the first time, and then looked down to the drawer while he put his chewing tobacco back into the drawer.
Joey got up and walked behind the two leather chairs and looked at the man behind the desk.  Then he looked back towards the door and then again at the man.
“Why do you hurt him?”  He asked.
The man behind the desk swallowed and looked Joey in the eyes.  Very few people on this Earth could look Joey DeCarlo in the eyes with out flinching.  Brent Torelli was one of the few that could look at Joey and even make him flinch on occasion.   He didn’t this time, but then again there was no malice in Brent’s jus now.  Before he walked over here, oh yes, but now his eyes only showed his calm confidence “Because I know I can.” 
“He is your baby brother.”
“He is a Torelli and he needs to act like one.  Same as the rest of us.”
Joey nodded.  “Is it a girl?”
“No, not this time.”
Joey stood there and waited for Brent to elaborate, but he didn’t.  “So you are going to tell me what that was about?”
“Why would I want to do that?”
“Because, you called me in here to hear the end of that conversation.  You want me to re-enforce what you just lectured him about.  You want me…”
“To be the darling cousin that you are and go to my baby brother and ask him what is wrong.  When you here is musing then you will of course do as you say re-enforce what I lectured him on and…”
“And because I was here to over hear it I can go ask him without you ever saying a word to me.  Then as you say I am the darling cousin who would…”
“Council and give the trusted advice and if that just happens to be the same thing I told him, then he had…”
“From not only his Dinh but from his trusted and loyal cousin as well.”  Joey smiled and shook his head.  “You think he is that dumb and not realize you set him up?”
“I think some day, my baby brother might be that smart, but that day isn’t today.”
“He is still in school, does he have to grow up so fast?” Joey walked back over to the stinkycigar and put his Camel out. 
“He is my heir now.  So yes, he needs to grow up fast.  It is the way.”
Joey looked at his cousin.  He smiled and walked back over to the chair and rested his hand on them.  He and Brent had played these games for to long with to many lives.  Family or not, this was the way of things and what must be done.  So much depended on it. 
Brent sat back in his chair and steeple his fingers together.  “I understand you are planning on going to Japan?”
“Yes, leave in a few hours.  I will be back in 48 hours.”
“Your not going.”
“But…” Joey started.
“But you aren’t going.  That is final.  I know it is Brit’s birthday and I know you think you need to pick up your’ her gift yourself.  I applaud you cuz for that, however, I need you here.”
“I have had these plans on the books for a while and…”
“And I need you here and that is that.  We have a warden in the Far East do we not.  Call Master Krug tell him what is needed to be picked up and where and he will get it delivered to you in more than enough time for Brit’s birthday I promise you.”
“Krug isn’t a delivery service, he is…”
“A Torelli, and if his dinh requests something of him he will do.  No questions asked. Since something has come up and you are needed.”
Joey turned away form the chair.  He rubbed the stubble on his chin and then turned back and looked at Brent.  He could tell by the look on his cousin’s face that no arguing or anger would change his mind.  If Brent said there was business he was needed on then he was needed.  Brent Torelli was a lot of things but unfair wasn’t one of them.  If his dinh needed him, then his dinh needed him and well, that was that.  It was the way of things. 
“Very well.  I will make the calls…”
“No need, I already did.”  Brent smiled.  “I took the liberty since I knew that I was putting you out.”
“How did you know what to do?”
Brent raised his eyebrows and gave his cousin a look that said really?  He giggled and shook his head.  If it was Joey’s job to know things, then it was Brent’s to know them too and pull the strings on them.
Joey stepped around the leather chairs and sat in the one on the right.  It wasn’t comfortable.  He wished he were back on the couch. Joey crossed his legs and began.  “Sow what is it we need to do?”
“There is trouble.”
“There is always trouble cuz.”
“This trouble is in our home town.”  Brent said tossing a newspaper to Joey.  Joey scanned the paper.
“A dead girl in our home town, there are lots of dead girls in our home town.”
“Then there is this article which will be released in this mornings paper which is due out in three hours.”  He tossed the next paper to Joey.
Joey scanned the article and frowned. “You think its?”
“I think it is a dead girl.”  Brent cut in he looked at Joey and leaned forward in his chair and rested his elbows on his desk.  “I think it is empty graves.  I think it’s a situation that needs to be monitored.”
“Ok, you want me to send Shawn?”
“No, I don’t want you to send Shawn.” Brent replied.
“Then you want me to send Billy?  I can send Billy, I guess.”
“No, I don’t want you to send Billy either.”
Joey licked his lips and looked at his cousin.  “Doc, you want me to get Doc involved?
“No, we don’t need to get anyone involved.  The board is set.  The pieces are in place.  All we need to do is sit back and watch the game unfold.”
“No offense cuz, but I am little confused?”
“My dear Joey, I thought you would have been up on this before. I am disappointed in you.  First article.  Again.”
Joey shuffled papers in his hands.  He read the first article this time more closely.  “Kody?”
“It will be a cold day in the all hells before Kody Ransom asks us for any help.”
“He doesn’t need to ask us for help. He just needs to do his job.”
“So you want me to lead him in the right direction?”
“No, I just want you to monitor it.”
            “Just monitor it?”
“I am very interested in how Kody Ransom will handle this one aren’t you?
“Very interested.”

Book II
Things That Go Bump in the Night

Chapter 6 – Officer Mayfield


Bloggers Note:  I don't know if anyone actually cares about the guardian at the the gate series.  my fiction it seems is my least read blogs.  I know in my writing my ability to make a reader feel my emotion is my strength.  Perhaps, I don't have that ability in story form yet.  I will keep trying.  The point of the note isn't a plea for people to tell me to keep writing Guardian at the Gate, that is going ot happen no matter what.  Kody Ransom has to much still to do and say.  The reason I am writing this is because Joey DeCarlo is important.  He is becoming my favorite in a long list of Anti-hero's I have created.  He in some way shape or form touches all parts of my fiction.  When I was a kid and I wanted to write a gangster movie I created Brent Torelli, shortly their after his cousin Joey DeCarlo was born.  Joey was a prick, an asshole, and originally just a blunt object to the bidding of his dinh.  However, time and space and KA has a way of changing people.  Joey has become central to all lines of fiction I work in.  He is a cornerstone of my mythology.  You might like him or hate him, it doesn't matter.  Because he represents to me something that is so important to me right now, the ability to grow and change.  At a time in my life where I have to let things go and move on and I need time and space and Ka to move me along the path, I have to believe that change is possible.  In my minds eye I have watched Joey DeCarlo change and grow.  I must say I am quite proud of the man Joey has become.  I might be foreshadowing here and saying to much.  However, Joey is important.  I hope your first real exposure to him leaves wondering about him.  I know it did me.  I know I need to change.  I know I need to move on.  I know I need to let go.  I need to change and grow.               

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