Friday, February 21, 2014

Eat the Sun!

We all have those days. I am having one today. It is what it is. I didn't want to get up. I am thinking to much. I am thinking about well, i guess it doesn't matter. Things are going good, but I still miss the comfort of being sad and I want to sit and look at all that is wrong instead of the much that is right and so much is right with the world. It is 70 here in Pleasanton. The sun is out and I am eating it. I just stand there and drink in its vitality. I feel it fill my body with warmth, hope, and love. I feel it and I feel the instant change in my mood. I sit outside and avoid going in from lunch. I am tired of the game of thrones that goes on, the games, plots, and sub-plots. It doesn't matter anymore. Non of it does, all the matters is that i am drinking from the most abundant source of energy we know. the Sun. I am drinking. It washing over me. I look up with eyes closed. However, my heart and mind are open. It has been a long time since they have been so open. Let it go. Let all the rage, hate, awkwardnes, and everything else I feel go. It matters not. I have to focuse on me now. The life I want. the life that is starting right now. I eat the sun.

I think about the nice things Mana said to me today. That she loves my writting and my videos. It feels good tohave such kind words said. It makes want to forge on. I love Mana and am so happy she is at a place she loves, and has the little one on the way. I feel so good for here and she makes me smile so big. She beleives. I beleive.  This is happening. She calls me Sansai and then explains it as follows: Sansai (山菜?) is a Japanese word literally meaning "mountain vegetables", originally referring to vegetables that grew naturally were foraged in the wild, and not grown and harvested from fields. However in modern times, the distinction is somewhat blurred, as some sansai such as warabi have been successfully cultivated.

Life is good and the Sun is abundant.  I am happy.  It is Friday.  I am living again.  Please Rise with me!

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