Wednesday, February 26, 2014

So much for good juju!

I went to whole foods tonight because if go to whole foods I don’t get way too much.  Do I still get too much probably?  I don’t really need four slices of pizza.  However four slices are better than an entire pie which is what happens if I order one.  I needed to pack, so I didn’t want to cook tonight.  So, pizza it was from WF.  I walk up there.   I eye ball two slices of pepperoni.  Anyone who knows me knows I love pepperoni pizza more than anything else on the face of this world.  I mean really. I love the shit.  So, I see these two slices and I am like I am going to eat this up.  I am like I will get to slices of cheese too.  No Hawaiian though, I will get enough Hawaiian this week.  So I am all set to order when this old lady and two little kids walk up.  It must have been there grandma or baby sitter b/c she looked to old to be a mom.  Hey I call them how I see them.  The kids must have been 3 – 6 years old, probably not older.  Grammy says what looks good and they both say they want slices of peperoni.  I am thinking to myself, you know these kids are going to start making fun of you any moment b/c you are fat, and kids just do that.  Kids are kids and they can be mean.  I would love to say it doesn’t bother me when a kid calls me fat but it does.  So I have no issue taking this pepperoni from them.  They don’t even look over at me.  So, I am like ok, I got all worried for nothing.  I am waiting to order and I say to myself, it would just be good juju to let them have the pepperoni.  I mean you are traveling tomorrow.  You can get pepperoni whenever you want.  Plus, the Hawaiian looks nice.  The ham looks very, very, good.  Plus, it will make the kids happy.  They will never know you did this for them, but you will know and you can feel good about it.  So the guy comes up and asks you what you want.  You start to order and you notice the little girl looking at you now.  You order your cheese and Hawaiian leaving your favorite behind.  You order and then you stand there and wait and you can’t help but notice the little boy pointing at you know out of the corner of your eye.  You notice the little girl laughing out loud.  You look and what can you do.  You are in whole foods and there grandma just stands there.  You start to feel really self-conscious about yourself.  Like you don’t know your fat and that isn’t bad enough in and of itself.  The kids just keep point and laughing.  The grandma tries to get in their way so I can’t see them point and laughing.  I smile to myself and I say so much for good juju.  Man.  I have never wanted to beat to children so bad in my life.  Oh well.  It is what it is and until I get my mind right I will just have to deal with it. 

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