Saturday, February 22, 2014


There comes a time and place in every man’s life when they say enough is enough.  I mean it.  I am so fucking done with it.  I am tired of holding the proverbial bag of shit.  I am tired of being the issue and the whipping boy.   with it.  I am tired of holding the proverbial bag of shit.  I am tired of being the issue and the whipping boy.  The place is a fucking toxic wasteland.  Each day I think it kills me a little bit more.  Each day I feel like it takes away from my life force.  I fucking hate it.  The letter is written.  The time has come.  The games have to end.  The world has to move on.  I will move on.  Moeny isn't enough.  Hope that it will change isn't enough. I can no longer put a price tag on my soul.  My vessel is weak.  I have almost destroyed it.  I am tired and I just can’t give anymore.  It is time.  The time of the Black Reaper has come.  The time to Rise.   The time to stand and to be true.  The time of Billy b is NOW!

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