Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Next time....

First, I have to say Happy Birthday to the first friend I ever made on my own.  Thirty some years later he is still one of the best.  He has the ability to make me cackle out loud like no one else.  He is without a doubt one of the best people I know Mike Adler, I love you brother!  I can honestly say I have never met anyone else like you in my life.  You and Chip have been a gift. 

Ok.  Now down to business. I have been doing a lot of research on what is next for me.  Now, where I see myself in five years includes losing almost 300 lbs.  Time is needed.  So, I think I have to do the corporate rat race for a while longer.  I don’t think anyone is going to give me a job to maintain my blog and write fiction.  Or to give speeches on how important it is to be true to yourself and who you are. I have been going on-line thinking what do; I need in my next gig, so it can help me get to where I want to go.  So, here is Billy b’s take on what is important in the company I want to work for next and what should be important to all of us.  Again, the headings are taken from the web.  My philosophy is why do it again if it has already been done and is a combination of four or five articles found on the World Wide Web. (that is a shout out by the way) Then I went through and added what each on actually means to the kid. So if anyone doubts that this giant has been provoked.  That I am complacent and just will to sit around and wait, don't be fooled.  Now is the time of Billy b, now is the time for transformation.  From who I never wanted to be to how I want to be.  It starts with know what I want.  It starts with knowing what excites me. 

1. As little politics as possible. I know there will always be politics; it is the nature of man.  A great place to work would have little to none.  If it comes up then there would be strong enough leadership to stamp it out not fosters it and help it grow. 

2.  Transparent & Open Communication - Let’s be honest games can be fun, but I think a great work place wouldn’t have them.  You wouldn’t ever wonder how you are doing, people would tell you.  Also, co-workers and the company craves honest feedback from its employees and co-workers.  If you fuck up, then you fuck up.  Tell the person so they can deal with and move on.  Don’t needle them for it for years to come.  Or don’t imply it or talk about it behind their back. 

3. Work-Life Balance – This speaks for itself.  I will work hard, but you need to let me play hard too.  I need to be able to take a break.  To unplug, not matter what level I am at.  We all need down time.  We weren’t built for the daily grind.  Our bodies are evolved enough for it.  Give me my sick time and vacation for me.  Do this and I will give you 100% effort when it is needed.  I am an accountant in corporate finance; I am not a fucking doctor. I won’t be saving any lives in my day job.  My writing and my inspiration might save some in my night job.  However, balance is the key. 

4. Training & Development-Focused - Provides growth paths for employees and help them reach their potential, then they will help you reach yours. As an employee you should have the ability to change career paths if you’ve proven you’re loyalty, you worked hard for them and you bring passion and a good attitude to the job.

 5. Recognition For Hard Work – Recognize me.  I work my ass for you.  In a world that is what have you done for me lately, let me know what I have done for you before and still doing means something.  Show people they are doing great work and do great work and let this be the key to open all the doors.

6. Strong Team Spirit – We are a team.  The entire company and everyone in it should have one goal, make this the best place to work at and make the most money for everyone at the company. Collaboration creates a better team.  A better team leads people wanting to work harder.  Harder working people make a better team.  It is a circle.  Promote this and watch your organization flourish.

7.  A clear vision and identity. Let everyone in the organization know what we are trying to do.  If people understand where management wants to go, and how we help them get there we will work harder.  If we get the vision then we will be able to identify with it.  Then it becomes part of our daily routine. 

8.  Honest leadership and approachable leadership.  Like open communication honest and approachable leadership is key.  You have to know that people won’t share your comments and concerns with others. So there isn’t a backlash, but rather help you try to make the organization better.  Also, it will help with friction in the organization and squashing any politics.  The more we can talk to our leaders honestly without the fear of being smacked down, the happier and more satisfied we become. 

9.  Filled with passionate people. It’s the people that make the organization.  I want to be surrounded by people who want to be here doing what we need to do to achieve the vision of the company and management.

10.  A great environment and fun atmosphere.   We spend a lot of time at work.  A lot.  More time at work than with our friends and family.  We are social creatures who need to be loved.  Therefore we need a fun and creative environment where we can be ourselves.  A fun, open, energetic and creative environment can make a big difference in the overall atmosphere of a company.  We all aren’t going to be friends outside of the office, but we should be friends in it. We should laugh, it has healing power.  We should smile, b/c it makes us feel good.  Make work fun.  Make it a place people want to go to everyday.  No politics, no looking over your shoulder.  No bullshit. 



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