Monday, February 24, 2014

A Good Monday?

HFC Daily Affirmation - I am healthy, happy and complete right now. My world is changing for better. I am feeling wonderful!

I am not one for Monday’s. I loathe them to be honest.  I think it is the idea of giving up my freedom and coming back into the corporate machine.  So I can spend my time making some else rich.  Or it could be that on the weekend I return to my true nature and stay up late and sleep till 10 or 11 in the morning.  It could be one of a hundred reasons.  Does it matter anyway?

Another morning rolls by, and I remain disappointed in things and people.  It is just my way, I guess.  I get up and I do my affirmations.  I try to focus on the good. 

When I lost all my weight on weight watchers back in the early 00’s, there were a couple of things that I did that kept me moving towards the light.  First was journaling every day and getting the bad gunky out.  I think I am doing an effective job at that.  Second was there was group meeting every week in the office and that held me accountable. Third I kept a list of only the positive things I did.  I wouldn’t soil this list with half positives, or I wished I would have.  I for one a person who does take credit where credit is due to me, therefore a list of this nature is something I need.  What can I say, I have a weak mind and I am trying to strength it.  Just like with any workout you do, you start slow and do reps over and again until you get stronger.  The brain is just another thing we need to fine tune and tone. 

Yesterday was a good day.  I accomplished a lot:

-       Swam!!!! Good to be back in my natural habitat.

-       Sat in the sun for a few hours.  Never underestimate the power of the sun, or the effect it has on our mind body and soul.  Therefore, spending time under its glow is important and huge positive for me. 

-       Wrote and kept my journal.  Any time I get the creative juices flowing is a good thing.  It is important to me.  It is also important to let out the bad gunky.

-       Cooked at home.  Ate breakfast and lunch at home by my own hand. 

-       Relaxed, spent a good amount of time with my mind turned off.  It was needed. When you have a mind that never stops.

-       Set goals for this week.  2 swims and four walks. 

-       Agreed to log all my points.  WW itself doesn’t follow the Gabriel Method, though their point system is a life style change.  Though I had determined not to go to the meetings anymore, I have agreed that it is good to have a guide to work and eat towards.  I am not going to WW meetings anymore because they preach depriving yourself.  They are about how to avoid things.  Not about how to deal with them.  I sat in the meeting last Wednesday for 15 minutes and they gave out awards for people going out of their way to avoid candies, cakes, and cookies, etc…  I know that doesn’t work for me.  Tell me I can’t have something and I want it.  However, I do agree that you should be able to eat what you want, and you should have some top level you should not exceed.  So, I say eat whatever it is your heart wants just don’t do it in total excess.  Also, I want to have a look at what I am eating every day.  I think that is important.

-       Did my evening visualization.

-       Decided to start listing the positive things I do every day on my blog, b/c I think it is important. 

So today is going to be my best Monday ever.  Like I said I am upset about a few things here and there. I am tired, but overall, I will get by.  The world moves on.  So I will to.  I will survive.  I will keep learning and growing.  I am healthy, happy and complete right now. My world is changing for better. I am feeling wonderful!   

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