Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Q3-13 will go down as one of the best 3 months of my life.  Some not so good stuff happened but a lot of goodness did happen, a lot.  Most importantly I remembered how to dream again and I remembered that those dreams can be achieved.  If the mind can conceive it and  believe it then the mind can achieve it.  Perhaps wiser words has not been spoken.  So I get up today 31 days before my 38th birthday knowing in my heart that the world is mine.  I'm so lucky because I have people around me who love me and support my dreams.  The Billy b fan club is a large one.  I will take my dreams one at a time and conquer them.  Health and happiness are just around the corner.  I can do this!  

Q4 goals:

Make a list of awards for short term success

Lose 15 lbs

Swim 52,000 m that's right baby 52K

Be more flexible and able to move better

Quit smoking, yes yes i started smoking again over the last 9 months I'm awful, sue me.

That is some good goals if you ask me.

I'll have a plan in place by Sunday to achieve it.  Already sort of do.  However putting it on paper and sharing it is a must!

Long term goals - career plan, what do I really want to do?

Publish something.  I want to get published some where in the next 18 months.

I can do this!

Happy day peeps!  Lets get the journey started right!

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