Monday, October 21, 2013

This week in swimming

Last week, we had a great week in the pool.  6,850 Meters strong.  Now part of myself tells me to up it to 7,000 Metere this week... and part of me says swim the same distance and swims just do it faster.  The conundrum of doing this on my own.  Fuck it. We are going for 7,200 Metere this week.  I have decided.  Why not, I am a Blackfish, I can do this.  there is only one other thing I truly believe in besides KA, and that is what I do in the pool.  I believe in it because it is based in mathmatical fact.  I can see that 52,000 is becoming 32,500 by next Sunday.  I see it very well.  I believe it.  I am starting to question Weight Watchers.  I am questions whether I fundimentally believe weight loss is as simple as eating less and working out more.  What if there is something else.  What if I really have some type of addiction.  However, what if saying I have an addiciton or eating disorder is just an excuse to eat what I want.  Oh the madness.  The constant questioning.  The constanting thinking, thinking, thinking about it.  Like a record that has a scratch and keeps playing the same thing over and over again, dubda, dubda, dubda.  Is it an issue of addiciton or an issue in discipline.  I know what the Queen of Diamonds would say with this smile that could like up the darkest night, "it's called an eating disorder, deal with it." 

I know what my dinh  Coach Janna would say becasue I looke at her words ever day: "
Janna Clark <>

to me
Truth? I think there have been too many convenient excuses/reasons. Tough to hear and to say, but I don't think you are committed to being successful... you are cutting corners and doing the least amount you can get away with.

Are you really REALLY serious about the tower/tattoo/double dip/life change??? Prove it.

You can do these things... But will you..."
by the way Dinh "the leader of a group known as a ka-tet; the leader assumes responsibility for the actions of his/her ka-tet under certain circumstances; taken from Stephen King's Dark Tower series
I think of Janna as a life coach and leader.  Therefore, I am proud to call her Dinh as if it was not for her and  my team in training ka-tet, I have a feeling I would have been down in a hole a long time ago.    I will seek her out and ask for her advice admist long palaver. 
Getting lots of comments on the non-mullet look.  I miss my hair, don't get me wrong my hair is not short, but the mullet is gone..  I feel like such a sell out.  however, sometimes we have to play the part.  Anyway...  i won't go there, not now.  too soon.
let's all send positivie energy though this week to Greathouse, may she interview well in the Rhode Island.  She needs to come back home. 
all right, I need to work... so have a great monday. 

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