Wednesday, October 30, 2013

8 pm no problem... I'm still gonna

Dropped Amy just before 8, then I headed for the pool.  I love it when my last act of the day includes my natural habitat :)

I was suppose to swim a 1450, probably swam a 1600, but we are gonna call it 1500 because that's what the ring says... 

So I banged out atleast the following work out:

Warm up:  450

300 easy
2 x 75 kick hard

Main set:

100 moderate
50 kick hard
25 easy

100 hard
50 kick hard
25 easy

100 hard 
50 kick hard
25 easy

100 moderate
50 kick hard
25 easy

At this point my math got bad and I though I needed more laps (add 50 breast)

Cool down:

300 easy

Although I think maybe that was a 400, but oh well

Saw Sue today... It was great!

Things are moving... The board is set!

I'll be honest today was a good day :)

Happy Halloween tomorrow!  May u have more treats than tricks!

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