Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Lesson in KA

"See the TURTLE of enormous girth,
On his shell he holds the earth.
If you want to run and play,
Come along the BEAM today."
(Seen by the Prophet Jake at the Lot with the Rose)

"See the TURTLE of enormous girth!
On his shell he holds the earth.
His thought is slow but always kind;
He holds us all within his mind.
On his back all vows are made;
He sees the truth but mayn't aid.
He loves the land and loves the sea,
And even loves a child like me."
(As told by Prophet Roland last of his line)
In the Dark Tower Cycle, Ka is a mysterious force that leads all living (and unliving) creatures. It is the will of Gan, the approximate equivalent of destiny or fate, in King's fictional language of High Speech. Ka can be considered to be a guide, a destination, but is certainly not a plan - at least, not one that is known to mortals. Ka is not necessarily a force of good or evil; it manipulates both sides, and seems to have no definite morality of its own.
The official Dark Tower site (see below) describes ka as the following: "Ka... signifies life-force, consciousness, duty and destiny. In the vulgate, or low speech, it also means a place to which an individual must go."
Concepts involving KA:
Because of the importance of ka in the Dark Tower Cycle, many phrases in the High Speech use the word ka, such as:
  • ka-babbies: young ka-tet members.
  • ka-tel: a class of apprentice gunslingers.
  • ka-me: ka's wiseman
  • kas-ka: a prophet
  • ka-shume: a unique feeling that a ka-tet is destined to break soon.
  • te-ka: ka's friend.
  • Can'-Ka No Rey: the red fields of none, where the Dark Tower lies.
  • tet-ka can Gan: the navel (specifically, the navel of Gan).
  • kas-ka Gan: singer of Gan's song/ prophet of Gan.
  • ves-ka Gan: Song of the Turtle
KA is a wheel.  It is the driving force of our lives.
If it's ka it'll come like a wind, and your plans will stand before it no more than a barn before a cyclone”― Stephen KingWizard and Glass, words from the master.
In my mind’s eye Ka is fate.  Fate is destiny.  Ka leads us to our path and we must stand and be true so that we can make it our tower.  We all are looking for a Tower.  Mine is closer.  I believe Ka is driving force of life.  I will dance in Can’-Ka No Rey.  I will find my way and follow Kas-ka Gan.  I will be a Gunslinger of my own choosing.  Following the path I choose.  I have lived too much of my 38years following another’s plan.    Today, I choose to stand and fight for my tower.  My dreams.  My path.  My life.  My TOWER! 
The TOWER is Closer!

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