Monday, October 7, 2013


A conundrum ...

Well as my friend Amy pointed out to me tonight we have a conundrum. Well really what she did was point out that I'd committed to 52k meters by year end. Then she confirmed there is only 12 weeks until year end. So, this leaves me in a conundrum. 

I can do one of two things at this point:

1. Revise goal

- or -

2. Figure out how to meet goal by year end.

So I ran the numbers, in excel of course and this is what we are looking at:
4,333 meters a week or roughly 1100 M per swim 4 times a week. 

That's a lot of swimming.

 You know what I says to that?

"Challenge Accepted!"

Lets go!

Ps thanks Amy, see u at 5 or so in the pool!

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