Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013 Night of the Breasts………

Halloween 2013 Night of the Breasts....  Wait for it..... Breastroke.....
Tonight is a great night in swiming for me.
I did 1550 set of Breastroke... I am not sure I have done that much breastroke before at one time.  I like last night's workout so much.  I thought I would shake things up and do the exact same workout but changed the stroke to breast and messed with the tempo a bit. 
So this is how it went down....
Warm Up...
50 Free
300 Breast - easy
2 x 75 Breast kick - easy
Main Set ...
100 Breast - easy
50 Breast kick hard
25 easy
20 sec rest
100 Breast - easy
50 Breast kick hard
25 easy
20 sec rest
100 Breast - easy
50 Butterfly kick hard
25 easy
20 sec rest
100 Breast - easy
50 Butterfly kick hard
25 easy
20 sec rest
Cool Down:
300 Breast Easy....
So I had a lot of breast tonight.... :D
Anyway... Happy Halloween... Have good Treats!  My work email is turned off and I am going to have a great 3 day weekend.... Peace Out!

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