Tuesday, October 15, 2013

45,000 left....

The day started off bad.  I was so tired this morning, i had to sleep in past my swim, and i got into the office at 10.   I knew today was going to be a long day and i wouldn't get out of the office until late, but I packed my swim gear anyway.  oh shit, i am tired and nothing I want to type is actually coming out.  The short story is since last tuesday i have swam 7,000 Meters.  I only have 45,000 more to do before 12/31/2013.  I am going to do it.  Things are looking up.  I am feeling better.  its been 48 hour since i had a smoke.  I am off them.  So  i am going to sleep now.  I will try to write more later.  Its funny on the way home I was so inspired about what i was going to write.  For example, I was going to explain how I count down laps so that i don't forget which one I am on. However, now I have no idea why i thought was a good idea.  Night.

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