Thursday, January 30, 2014

No good title just good vision

Perfectly Flawed

I didn't write last night.   I went to bed. Little early for me w a tummy ache.   Going zero to sixty on green leavies is hard on my system.   Four salads this week is big for me.  However I crave the green delish!  So, my body will have to assimilate and deal. 

I can't really remember what I wanted to say today.  It was positive.  I know that.  It was all perfectly clear during the morning shower.  Rub a dub dub perfectly flawed, the aha moment, ledger in 10 things I hate about you, disappointed she didn't wait, I had a message.  It's gone. 

It was about being perfectly flawed though.  Jamie Lanister, Eddie Dean, billy b, you can't help but love the person warts and all.  

It's gone.  Wish I had a pad in the shower.  I'd probably never leave it if I did. 

What I know is I had good positive visions yesterday.  I know I continue
to see the man inside.  I held long palaver with my sister bb, always feel better after talking to bb.  I held long palaver with Dr. Sue.   I feel good.  I get it.  I'm not perfect.   I'm cured but I'm on the path.  I see who I want to be and why.  I see my future work, my future life, my dreams coming true

Hope didn't due two weeks ago today, it just was hard to see.  I see it  now.  I'll see it in the car on the way to work this am.  Today I'm going to be first out of the water in my age group at the PG oly.  Worst to first baby.  Then we are going to see my marble slab like legs turn into pistons and push me thru the 25 mile bike.  I won't podium bc my ass is still a walker but I'm not going to be last either!  I am going to dominate this tri this morning.  See it!  See it with me.  See the thin man with huge shoulders and the thighs of a Greek god.  See him.  See him finish with and hugging his friends.  Dorothy is there she always is.  Janna, CP, Deb, always there.  Rachel isn't there because she is still on the course.  Probably on her last legs of the bike.  All my TNT peeps are there!  She might be there, if not in body, then in spirit. It's not quite the field of roses at the edge of the dark tower but it is end game.  I'm the man of my dreams and it's awesome.

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