Monday, January 13, 2014

happy... and moving forward

I had a great weekend. Early swim Saturday. Following by some errands, and cleaning up some stuff at home. Then I had wonderful chat with a dear friend Saturday midday, which still has me smiling. Took a nap, wrote, and broke out the colt’s serape. I mean Saturday would have been the perfect day had my colts not lost.  Stupid Patriots, but honestly, we didn’t do our part.  The Pats tried to let us into that game.  I also have to admit, I am not rooting for Peyton.  If it was up to me, both teams would lose next week’s AFC championship game.  I am not the biggest 9er’s / Hawks fan ever.  I mean I do love me some Pete Carroll.  Who doesn’t, he ran the best pro team LA has ever had.  Look, I just can’t do it.  I can’t watch in good conscious Peyton go and win a super bowl in another uniform.  The man was pro-football for me.  Before he came to Indy, I had stopped watching the pro game.  I only had eyes for the college game.  I know 99.9% of all Indy fans are going to be on the Broncos band wagon, I won’t be.  Some wounds never heal, and Peyton in anything than a Colts uniform is one of those. Now, I know this is not his fault.  The Colts made a football move.  One that will keep the franchise in good hands for a long time to come, but we all saw on Saturday that Luck is not Peyton, not even close, not yet, and probably not ever.  However, I have gone off course.  I am not a sports writer.  I am not here to tell you about St. Peyton, the high and almighty of all Indiana football.  No.  That isn’t it at all.

I am here to talk about my good weekend.  Sunday, was nice.  Relaxing. I made it to WW.  I know what you are thinking didn’t you swear off the diets forever.  The answer is yes, I did.  However, I think WW is really more a lifestyle change, and plus it is the only place I can actually weigh right now.  It also helps me keep things in perspective. 

I spent a lot of time on the couch yesterday just resting and relaxing.  Watching Batman the Animated Series, that’s right, I am watching it, and it’s free on Amazon Prime.  Love it.  Anyone who knows me knows I love cartoons.  They are just the best.  Plus, I was able to chat with some friends on yahoo, order the Gabriel method book, unpack the new trash cans, and do a little more writing with the cartoons on in the background.  Plus, I love the Joker. I really do.  What the fuck is wrong with me, I don’t know but that guys is bad ass, and Harley Q, damn, love me some Harley Q.

I just finished writing a long letter to a swim coach I found on linked in.  I am pretty excited.  If she can’t help me or isn’t what I am looking for, I also came up with my own swim plan.  The plan will start off slowly and then ramps up over the course of the quarter, focusing on technique and breathing.  I really need to get back in touch with my freestyle.  If I follow the plan and swim 6 days a week, which is what I want to do, I am looking at 154,000 Meters this quarter.  I am thinking of adding a few more rest days here and there, b/c that seems like a lot of meters to me.  Then again, I am a bad ass, and I sure I can do them.

Ok, now I am off to do write the folks at Bay Area Nutrition to hold palaver with them and see if they can help the kid out.  I still spend too much time in the drive thru.  Even when I tell myself no, I still end up there.  I honestly believe getting healthy is going to be a three pronged approach.  1. Unconditional Self Love, which I am learning through the Gaberial method and visualizing a new and better me.  2. Dealing with my eating disorder (bay area nutrition) 3. Moving swimming, and walking.  I think I should set a goal to walk puppy every night.  Just for a little bit. I think that would be good right.  I need to talk to roommate about that.  I think it would be good for me and good for puppy. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Keep moving forward.................

    Luck is just like Peyton Manning - trouble winning the bigger games.... play-offs.

    Don't forget to catch up on South Park - they had a Game of Thrones spin for 3 shows.
