Friday, January 24, 2014

My Right to Bear Arms!

My Right to Bear Arms!

I guess one you should never do in a crowded office, even if it is after hours is jump up and ask everyone in the office if they would like to see your right to bear arms!  Even when you yell hey everyone do you want to see constitutional right?  See we life in a world that is ruled by chaos, hate, and fear, so even when we don’t mean to incite panic and fear we sometimes do.  I think everyone who was in hearing range and saw me jump up out of my chair and reach to my sides stopped took a deep breath and said, who shit, this fat mother fucker finally snapped.  I knew his picnic was short on sandwiches but not this short. 

Also make no mistake that is exactly what I did.  After the big boss left, folks were here working diligently because god forbid we leave on time at this place, I actually jump up and grab my sides and yelled “WHO WANTS TO SEE MY RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!!!? 

People look up and over with big eyes and that is when I ripped my sweater off and gave them a pose down, see:



"Bear arms... Bare arms... hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... ah hahahaha ha ha ha haha"

I am not the clown prince of chaos, but sometimes I do have to unleash the inner Joker in me… see, today’s undershirt!

Ha hahahahaha haaa ha ha ha ha ha muahahaha

That’s right I have My Joker shirt on today under my sweater! Hahahahah today’s joke is who wants to see my inner Joker…

Ha hahahahaha haaa ha ha ha ha ha muahahaha

The bare arms joke, isn’t a billy b exclusive, I have to give props to my new hire Gabe, b/c when I told see how low I am in the laundry barrel, he referred back to a conversation we had the day before about bearing arms, and he was like, you showing off your right to bear arms.. So, yes, I recycled.  It is ok though.  We all use a recycled joke now and again.  hahahahaha haaa

But I did put my own twist on it…  I did get a great laugh out of people after their initial terror. 
It’s funny, even when I am down and have things going on in my life that are hard.  The inner clown always wants to show.  Perhaps writing isn’t my only gift.  Maybe the comic relief I bring ever day to the table is a positive.  I am not going to make it to see Sue today.  I just have to much shit at the office.  I will to see her next week.  So I am going to have to rely on the inner joker to pick me up to

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