Saturday, January 11, 2014

New Beginnings

Today is not yesterday.  Today is a new day.  I was up on a Saturday before 7.  I walked Doggie... I swam, 1800 meters.  I am starting back up slow.  I think I over did it last quarter.  I think I took on some big swims fast and just got lost in the ride.  It became more about the distance than it did about getting healthy and feeling good.  So we start slow.  If anyone knows a swim coach that can become my sensei that would be great.  I could use a sensei.  I am going to reach out to Coach Tom, I have been meaning to do that.  He is the mother fucking master.  So, I have that on the todo list for next week.

I am feeling great.  I am hopefully and looking forward to really getting back into the swing of things.  2014 is going to be a great year.  I really believe that.  with everything that went right with 2013, and building off the great swim momentum I built at the end of last year.  The openness of this blog and being surround be some great people. I think we are off to a great start.

As I have said.  There is a lot of bad gunky inside me.  I have to get it out. So, it will roll out slowly but surely over the coming weeks, days, months, years...  I have committed myself to beat this.  I have committed to living a life I dream off.  A life in which I am the focus. I am the main attraction.  Mostly, I am going to have fun.  Lots and lots of fun.  Ok lots to do before the Colts come back on.  Edit Chapter 2 of Guardian at the Gate.  Unpack the boxes.  run to the store.  Get my Colts Poncho out.  That is right baby. I am breaking out the Colts Poncho to wear over the Freeman Jersey.

1800 Meters swam today...  That is pretty good.  I did a good pull/kick workout.  tomorrow, I am thinking 2000 meters but focusing on my freestyle.  It is really weak right now.  I am going back to the basics with it to get my breathing and stroke back in sync.

I also did a little math on the distance I swam last year.  Do you realize I basically swam 136,000 Meters last year.  Which means I was in the water for 138 hours.  That is pretty BA right... BA as in Bad Ass.  It is actually about 85 miles, which is still pretty good.  Anyway we will break that record this year.

So anyway... have to run now... but... just remember things are looking up.  we are going to have lots of fun this year.  We are going to smile... kick some ass... and just have fun!  Its a new year, a new beginning ....

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