Saturday, January 25, 2014

6100 page views and 150 blogs


people are looking at least....

Now for a ridculous conversation between me and my roommate... she was in the bathroom getting ready for her nighton the town... I was on the couch, of course....

Billy b:   I am not yanking it, I am just touching it.

R:  Um... Bill What are you DOING?

Billy b: Playing with shiners tail


Hahahaha hahaa hahaa haha

i think we are funny....

anyway... lots of vies.. we are getting like a 1000 a week, lets see if we can't keep it up.  whoot whoot

I played SAG for rachel 10 mile run today.. Shiner and I came to the rescue when she ran out of water and salts... i didn't realize I sent her on an uphill run, oops... she did it though... trying to get her to switch to Coach Mark's team so if anyone out there is on that team, reach out to here, she needs friends to run with or at least make sure she gets to training... that old I set the alarm for pm not a.m. trick isn't going to work many more satrudays.  I'll go in her room with the fire hose to get her out to training.... perhaps I should start training myself.  Starting monday dogs walks.. i am healthy and puppy healhty now... so I have to take for her puppy walks... good for her, good for me...

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