Thursday, January 16, 2014

As the Lord of Chaos Rules.....

this morning is much like my life a series of ups and down, and usually always landing a little lower than where I started to begin with.  my car ride is riddled with questions. 

"Why do I almost start crying every time I hear "How to Save a Life"" 

"Is today the day we are actually going to start listenign to the books we just ordered on the gaberial method?  what are we waiting for?"

"are we going to the pool?"

"do we want to work at hitachi?"

"Where do bad folks go when they die?"

"Why did I just have that crazy vision about some weirdo dancing over a corpse as I listened to Suzie Q, I should right that down for a story."

All of these in and of themselves could lead to a blog of my own.  However, why did I sit down at work with my coffee after blowing off everyone who said hi to me and go into face book to see and artcle posted by Joe Cross from Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and decide to email him?  I have no idea, alhtough I had read yesterday that he said he tries to respond to everyone who mails him.  So maybe I was trying to see if he would respond.  Maybe not.  I have no idea... my head is a riddle right now.  I am at drift and looking for a shore to land.  Anway it might just be the lord of choas doing his thing...

Anyway this is what I wrote...

Hi Joe,

I read you message about how you read all the messages you get from fans.  i think that is awesome.  i watched your film and it really got me thinking about veggies, juicing, etc... i am a 460 lbs man, who can't quit the fast food.  the fucked up thing is i am super active.  I swam over 80,000 meters from oct - dec of last year.  and I have done over 20 endurance events all over the weight of 350 lbs.  i am a whore to the fast food, fatty food and the drive thru.  although, i really trying to learn to love myself.  Anyway, i just wanted to say hi and you inspire me.  thank you for what you have done.  Because of your film, I watched Hungry for Change.  I loved that too. I am thinking about trying the Gaberial Method mixed in w/ some juicing.  My roommie just bought a juicer.  I am trying to get my head back in the game right now and get back to my swimming.  it has been hard.    I don't do well in the winter, not enough day light for this creature of the sun.  Anyway, again your amazing and thank you!

Billy b

this post is about as random as I am... so we endure as the Lord of Chaos rules....

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