Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Let the Lord of Chaos Rule...

i wish it was my line, but it isn't.  i stole it from Robert Jordan.  its a is a great line though, just like "Betrayer of Hope".  The more shit changes the more it stays the same and you always get fucked at the drive thru, I guess that is what I have to say today.  It amazes me I wake up and am full of happiness and energy on the way to work and the minute I hit the door the life is sucked out of me.  Its like hitting the button to floor five and whoooshh its all gone.  Anyway... I have Choas on the brain today.  I was thinking about it the entire drive to work because I was thinking about the Crown Prince of Chaos himself Mr J, or The Joker.  Yesterday at work I think finally let out a great joker laugh.  Gabe gave me two thumbs up and told me it sounded evil.  I guess I should be working but I don't want to. I want to perfect my Joker laugh.  Actually, on the way up here I was thinking of a story called the "children of chaos" I haven't read a lot of batman comics, so this probably already exists.  It amazes me how many of my ideas some else already had.  basically, mr J takes in homeless children of Gotham and turns them in his minions and they put a killing spree on Gotham the likes the city has never seen.  Then the Bat has to try and stop him.  I guess this is what happens when you spend most of you weekend watching Batman cartoons you brain goes to mush.  I have always wanted to write about the Bat.  Anyway... that might be a project for a different day. 

i am locked out of my email at work.  I am not lucky enough to be let go, so I am sitting her avoiding doing my job because I just don't give a shit at the moment.

I guess I should go back to filling out my application for Bay Area Nutrition.

Tracked my points yesterday and ate pretty good.  even had a salad with dinner.  it was good.  good job rachel. 

fuck they just fixed my computer... I guess I will work now.....

on my resume maybe :D  anyone need a revenue director in San Jose :D

good news... heard back from swim coach, she is going to give some information today.

better news... other than work, I am feeling great.. every since last Friday, I have been feeling pretty good...

Anway... Let the Lord of Chaos rain for now....  

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