Thursday, May 29, 2014

walk on ...

Just finished another 30 minute walk, my conistency has been really good over the last four weeks.  Each day we move  a little bit more and a little bit better.  My knees first the right, then the left really started to bug me today.  Its been a while since they flaired up.  I know I need to ice and stretch.  A deep tissue massage might also be in order.  I am not suprised.  I am putting a lot of stress on the knees.  Part of me thinks I should go back to the pool, however, i think walking benefits me more.  A duel work out system would be nice, but lets not get to far ahead of ourselves.  I think we did that once already when we commited to Pac Grove and Napa ride.  We are walking this out, on a progam and each day we get a little bit better.  Since April 27th, I have walked 26.07 miles over 10 hours and 18 minutes and I have felt great doing it.  I have moment when I find my stride and I move great like last night, Sunday, and Monday.  Today I got to walk with my peeps Jill and Gabe, good people, good walk.  We started out fast well fast for me, which in the end made me walk less, Gabe and his long legs, i slowed the pace down greatly after that.  Still good times and i am glad to have my walk out of the way for today, so I don't have to go through the hero's trial I went through last night on whether or not to go.  Also, got some good mid-day sun.   

Here are Billy b's top 10 benefits of Walking (in no particular order) :

1.    Helps me with my weight issue,
2.    I can do it anywhere,
3.    Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression,
4.    Low impact exercise,
5.    Lowers Blood Pressue and we all know I could use a little of that,
6.    Improves Mood,
7.    Let's me feel good about myself even when I am done b/c it makes me sweat,
8.    Maintains lean muscle,
9.    Gives me time to work on my stories b/c i dream biggest and best while walking,
10.  It's fucking good for you!!!!

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