Sunday, May 25, 2014

a curse lives on....

he tried. I feel like he ran the best he could and put himself in a position to end the curse.  half way thru the race he was the car to beat.  however, as every Indy 500 of my life has ended, we still have not crowned another Andretti as the Indy 500 champion.  He just didn't have the car today.  HReay and Helio (the tax cheat and fraud) had better cars at the end of 500 miles.  They were both good and fast.  part of me wanted them to take each other out as they passed each other lap after lap but that isn't how we want the curse to end is it?  Marco is 27, he has a lot of racing left in him.  He has a great team and great equipment.  I think he will win one day.   Then again, I thought his dad would win multiple times, and time and again it didn't happen.  If I am disappointed, I would hate to be anywhere near Marco Andretti tonight, because I can't even begin to image his disappointment.  As a fan all we can do is hope that next year he will charge hard and run a good race, and all the stars align to get him to Victory Lane.  

I always find it funny when people tell me that Race Car drivers aren't athletes.  Growing up with a  dad who was a doctor at the Terre Haute Action Track, and a huge Indy Car fan,  I have never agreed with this assessment.  If anyone could do it, then we would all be driving really fast for a living, and millionaires.  Watching the guys hands in the car today, there is so much more going on than driving fast, and turning left.  These guys are pretty amazing.

As The Andretti Luck at Indy or the Curse lives on, I see another curse fading into the shadows.  That is my curse.  I feel it.  I feel like I am coming to the end of the bad times.  I don't know why I feel that way, I just do.  I see myself getting better.  Steadily moving in the right direction, making better choices, moving more, and being happy.  Its been a long strange trip.  However, I believe I will come out on the other side.  I know I will.

I am feeling better, and made a promise to my baby brother Ding today that if I can get down 100 lbs by next years 500 I would return for the 99th running.  I would be miserable at Indy right now.  I would have trouble getting to the seats.  Going up the stairs.  Walking back and forth through the grand stands that I used to think where so big and scary as a kid.  I honestly believe, that next May I will be in Indianapolis.  Gods know I want to be.  I know my family will hate me when I say this, however, Race Morning, is the only day, I really, really miss living in Indiana.  That is truth.  Ok, minor confession, here, I realize the I need to amend that to say Thanksgiving as well, b/c Mom Carol   can put on a spread.  I go home for Xmas, so I can't regret not living there for that day :D

My best friend Poogie, and my baby Brother Ding are the two biggest Indy fans I have ever met.  They can sit there and talk Indy car forever.  There is nothing cooler than the sound of an Indy car going top speed.  I used to be huge fan to, but i can't compare with those to.  Just like all major sports racing is something that has faded out of my life, just like Football, baseball, basketball, and hockey.  I am not sure if it is because I became an endurance athlete or not.  However, I just don't love sports like I used to.  However, I find myself every Sunday morning of Memorial day weekend locked to the TV.

Anyway, the Beaver is on the way over to watch GOT, we have several episodes to catch up on and a Tri-tip to grill up.  Mmmmmm MEAT!

I guess in the end my point was one curse lives on today, but one curse is broken.  Because I am back in the game of life.  I am the master and commander of my destiny.  I feel the weight going away.  I feel my body becoming healthy again.  I feel like I am in control!

Happy Long Weekend People!!!! Long Days and Pleasant Nights!!!!

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