Saturday, May 24, 2014

video blog - short, not a lot to say, happy memorial day weekend and some of my favorite memorial day memories....

look out Eddie they are coming!!!!!

My all time favorite memorial day weekend memory is when the Andretti's split Eddie Cheever, it was 1992 and it was awesome!!!

Without the polesitter in the race, second place starter Eddie Cheever was charged with leading the field to the green flag. In turn one, Michael and Mario Andretti split Cheever on the inside and outside and took the lead. Michael Andretti blistered the track to set a new record for the first lap at 210.339 mph. After only four laps of green flag racing, however, Eric Bachelart blew an engine, and brought out the yellow.

The Curse would not be lifted that day as on lap 189 we would hear Michael is slowing on the back stretch and even though he lead 160 of 180 laps, Michael would fall short of victory.  My least favorite driver of all time because he was red headed ginger with a mole on his face, Al Unser Jr won the race, in the closest finish of all time over Scott Goodyear.  It was truly an awesome finish but Andretti would be denied again at Indy.

So this year... I hope Marco can do it.  Marco son of Michael and grandson of Mario can finally break the curse that has endured since 1969.  45 years is a long time for the Andretti curse at Indianapolis.  The most famous racing family in Indy Car and its most favorite track need to re-unit.  

Other great memorial day weekend memories included:

1.  Shaun "Boner" Schreoder and Ding Burkle hiding a case of beer in a soda box and getting hammered at the race at the ripe ole age of like 12.

2.  George's stories, my dad's best friend, had some of the best stories of all time.  When he was hard at the Gin and Marlboro lights the man would hold court and we would all sit down and listen.  He brought his family to our house every year for the 500 and every year i think it was our favorite weekend.

3.  My Dad sleeping at the 500.  Have you every heard an Indy car?  It is loud.  Really fucking loud.  I mean so loud.  It isa hight pitched scream that just screams I AM GOING FAST!  My dad is the only man I have ever known to be able to sleep through this, every year, I went to the race.  It never failed.  My old man who could sleep anywhere, could even do it at the 500.

4.  My good buddy Chip and my sister Heidi shot gunning beers together.  It became a Memorial Day weekend tradition.  The best is when he would try to hit on her, i have never seen some one crash and burn so hard.  

5.  Mom's hoagies.  Mom Carol could make a hoagie.  I mean it.  It was a great sub sandwich   However they tasted better at the end of the day, melted from the heat of the day.  They were all gooey and damn they were tasty.  Best sandwich I ever had.

6.  Billy b and Goop's walk of shame. (indy track memory not really race weekend but close enough it was carb day)  It was Indianapolis.  It was junior year, and I promised Prox's mom, I wouldn't let anything happen to her son.  Famous last words, right.     there was probably 10 of us.  Three 18 year old.  Ding who was 15.  Dirty Steve, Prox, Me, Poog, and Sweet Chip and three cases of beer and we headed to the track.  The plan was keep beer in McDonald's glass.  don't get caught.  Prox didn't do this and the next thing you know the cops swarmed the van.  thank goodness ding and chip where sober.  I turned and walked off at top speed after I saw a badge flashed.  I was grabbed and knew I was busted, but to my fortune it was Goop.  He took me to the bathroom forced a burger and gum down my throat and then we went to the bleachers where we watched our friends get arrested after poring out 3 cases of beer.  Still your fault Prox.  Then we decided it would be best if we walked the 2.5 mile oval in opposite directions before going back to the car.  Ding and Chip were fine b/c they were sober.  The 18 year olds got tickets to appear in court.  Prox and Dirty steer got sent to the lock up.  

7.  1986 and getting to go to my first 500 mile race!!! It was awesome.  Except Rahal won.  I hate that dude and his porn stash to this day.  However, I will never forget it.

8.  Every Memorial Day weekend, I get really sad when I am in California and swear that I won't miss the 500 hundred again.  Racing isn't my favorite sport, not even close, but I love the 500 and I miss it.  I will get back there once i get healthy enough.

9.  Stealing Marlboro Banners from Marlboro trucks so that we could have race and marlboro banners in Terre Haute.  We hung one the fence on Shea-Wrigley Burkle Wiffle Ball stadium in Terre Haute, I was the only one to homer over that banner.  It was great feeling but also the end of a great game.  

10.  Ben Laycock...  I love this man to till day, he is truly my hero.  His smart ass ability is the greatest I have ever known.  He is god of the quick come back.  Like when a chick called him a wanna-be mack daddy, and he turned to her and said, well I did mack you ass didn't I.  Hahahaha.  Good stuff when you are in High School.  Or when Mom Carol knew he was to drunk to drive and she would be like promise me Ben you won't drive home and he would of course Say you know Carol, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I mean he just had the right thing to say at the right time.  always.  to this day.  My wit, pails in comparison to this man.   So, when you go to the bathroom at the five hundred, there are troughs for urinals and not one sit down toilet has a door on it.  It never fails that when you walk into the bathroom at some point on race day there is a poor soul who can't hold it anymore and has to shit in an open stall.  They are usually so drunk they can't hold there head up and they look so embarrassed even so.  No one likes to shit in the open.  No one.  i will never forget walking into a bathroom with Ben on several occasions and him seeing one of these poor souls and without hesitation or shame he would scream "Holy Shit" and it was true comedy... perhaps you and to be there and see the look of terror on the poor shitters face... 

Happy Days people!!! Happy Long Weekend!!!!!  

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