Friday, May 9, 2014

Happy Friday! Read Me, if you read nothing else...

Happy Friday!  Read Me, if you read nothing else...

I'm going to be OK.  I know that now.  

I'm going to be OK.  I see it in every action.  

I'm going to be OK.   World has moved on and I must with it.

I going to be OK.  The wheel of KA turns.  

Lets end today with some shenanigans... Shall we? 

I watched rise of the planet of the apes tonight.  That movie man freaks me out.  All Planet if the Apes movie do.   Lower primates are fucking scary when they go ape shit, no pun intended, on humanity.   And an armed, unified, group of them, all I can say is scary, I'm scared.

See all those monkeys running took me back though.  Back to a place I see often in my dreams.  Senior year if high school and math class.  We were studying abstract concepts such as sign, co-sign, tangent and co-tangent.   The math teacher was about as exciting as paint drying, he was a bore ass and I had to so something to keep me amused.  After all besides being the asshole I am only really good as how do they out it "the comic relief".  

So every time this bore ass would say sign, I stick up my left hand and say on to either side of it pretending I was dancing to you guesses it "I saw the sign" by ace of base.  You have to remember this was 1994 and things such as boy bands had just stopped roaming the earth for what we'd hope was the last time.  Birkenstocks where part of your everyday apparel.  Forest Gump had yet been introduced in theaters.   And well I thought it was clever.  This though is of little important.   What is important is... 

Co-sign - because when bore ass would say this my right arm would go up in the are and I would grove side to side thinking ace of base was singing "all that she wants". Come on 1994 I was coming out of my ice cube phase... To this day I can still sing along to every word of predator, not the song the album. But again this all leads to...

Tangent... I will never know why on earth the word tangent first make me think of a banana in a monkey's hand that is held over his head with the end pointing up, but it does and it also make me see Monkeys running.   Thousand and thousand of monkey's running.  Just like in rise of the planet of the apes.  Except they had no bananas in the movie.  So, each time he'd say tangent, if scream monkeys running.  Which if you think that is fucked up, then wait till you hear about co-tangent.

Co-tangent - monkeys running backwards.  I see them literally running backwards in my head.  So no shot he'd say co-tangent and I say monkeys running backwards.

No wonder I have dreams where I haven't been to this guys class in weeks and I have a final.  Fuck me.

I told you about the suener.   So... What other ridiculous things do I know... I don't know fuck it... The truth is I'm happy.  I'm happy with me.  And well Happy Friday!

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