Friday, May 2, 2014

“He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”

“He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”

"Let the Lord of Chaos rule" darkly and cryptically by Mazrim Taim

― Robert Jordan, Knife of Dreams

He rubbed the dog’s head over and over as she started at the back door.  He was playing with what he called her nubbin.  The little bone that sits on the top of her head, he often liked to pet her head.  She is a good dog and loved him unconditionally.  As he stared out the back he thought about that.  He never really thought himself worthy of unconditional love.  Yes through all the tail pulling, paw pinching, and ear yanking this little thing came back to his side and followed him around everywhere.  She was a good dog.  He stopped rubbing her head and turned to the TV tray that served as a plant stand and picked up his McDonald’s Coke and with the other hand he picked up his Camels, they were cold from being in the freezer.  They had been hidden there inside a box of Boca Burgers so his wives couldn’t find them.   

He slide the slider open and stepped out.  He turned and stopped the dog with his foot.  That was far enough for her.  He used the hand with the cigarettes to close the slider behind him.  He set the Coke down on his storage bench and pushed the BBQ out of the way with his foot.  It slide easily back against the house and out of his way. 

He then flipped the Camels his hand so that he was holding the side opposite of the lid.  Then with his index finger on the bottom he thrust right hand to left, once, twice, three times and stopped.  He looked at the pack.  Thought then then did it again but this time harder.  Then stopped looked at the camel on the side of the package and then started again, once, twice, three times and then stopped.  He used his left hand to pull off the plastic outside cover and he flipped the box up pulled off the tin foil.  He then pulled out a smoke and automatically started twirling it back and forth across his knuckles; it was an old Gunslinger trick.  He had read about it several times in Kings Novels, however, instead of using a smoke, Roland, used a bullet.  The trick wasn’t really that neat many and more people could do it with a pen.  It just looked cool with a smoke because it was fragile. 

He picked up his coke and went to take a drink, but stopped.  Six plus weeks had passed without soda of any kind.  Why was he standing out here with a Coke now?  Why was he twirling the cigarette in the other hand?  With that he turned and looked passed the dog and her sad stare, that said please, let me come be by your side. I only want to be by your side.  Let me out. 

He didn’t have eyes for the dog though.  No he looked passed her as if she wasn’t there.  He looked to the white bag that sat on the table.  It contained goods that would end his six weeks of freedom.  The bag that was full of the substance he valued over any tobacco, alcohol, drug, or any other form of indulgence.  It was his ring, which he both loved and hated, much like he loved and hated himself.  It was his poison.  It was his drug of choice. It was his bane.  It was food, really bad food, fast food.  Not one but two Double Quarter Pounders with cheese and two large fries.

He just stared at it while he held the coke in his left hand and twirled the Camel in his right.  All while a soul that loved him unconditionally could do nothing but sit there and stare at him and wonder just what the large man was doing out back of our space.  Doing nothing but staring at that back that smelled so good to her.  The bag he knew she wouldn’t go near.  He had at least taught her that much. 

The he asked himself, and not for the first time since he had walked into his home, how did he get here?  How did he get right back here?  To this place, with that shit sitting in there and the poison he held in his hand?  Why?

He dropped his head.   Why indeed?  He pulls in a long hard breath.  Breathes aren’t as hard as they were six weeks ago, or even four.  So, why is he here?  With camel in one hand, coke in another, and sack full of drugs on the coffee table?

He picked his head back up and looked at his goods one more time. He continued to twirl the camel in his right hand.  He wanted what was in that bag.  He wanted it so bad.  He needed it.  Just one more time he thought.  Just one more taste.  It’s the world I know he thinks.  I bet if I do it the scale will still rule in my favor next week because once doesn’t matter.

His head falls again and the weight of his heavy bangs smack into his dark black Oakley’s and pushes them harder against his face.  He knows why he is here.  Even if he is trying to hide it from himself after all one cannot fix a problem one doesn’t admit he or she has.  Can they?  No.

He flashed his hidden eyes open, shut, and then open again, and then shut again.  He took in another deep breath.  He had admitted so much to this point.  He had acknowledged so much.  Then why was he here.  Why was he on the verge of using again? 

It was really so very simple.  He was here because he was angry.  He was so full of rage and hate.  He was so mad that is blinded him to the previous six weeks of hope and joy he had built and felt.  Twelve strokes of a key board got him hear.  A message from his new leader telling him that what was his by rights, would not be his alone, and that the best thing about new rules is that everyone started off at the same place.  Read between the lines of that one if you want.  He was here because for being 38 years old he had the emotional stability of a 12 year old.  He was here because like so many time in his life he stood a cross roads with two distinct paths.  How many times had he taken the wrong path?  How could a man so loved be so angry and full of hate?  He hated the fact people would call him bitter but wasn’t he.  Wasn’t just a bitter spoiled brat?  Who was angry because something as simple as a life functions as nourishing one’s body he had turned into an uncontrollable addiction?  He was mad.  He was hateful.  He had been spurned.  He had been passed over.  He had been forgotten.  He was alone.  He felt taken for granite.  He was still trying to heal a heart that wouldn’t stop fucking breaking.  True or not true it is how he felt and therefore was it not true.   He…

Most people don’t realize it. Most people don’t see it.  However, for a 465 pounds man he has cat like quickness when the mood catches him right.  Something in his lackadaisical nature changes and suddenly out of nowhere he has a speed, a hidden gear, a burst of quickness.  You normally only see it when he is drunk.  Or you might see it when he is walking in the hallways of work and there is someone he is ignoring and he turns on the extra speed. 

That is what happened when he turned from the door and launched his Coke into the fence where it exploded all over the back yard.  The turn was so abrupt that the dog jumped back and let out a whimper.  The throw though was true.  It hit exactly where he saw it hitting in his mind’s eye.  38 years and 365 pounds later and his arm still had aim when aim wasn’t needed for anything more than his amusement.  God forbid his arm be true when he was trying to pitch, then again, he never figured out he was pitching for his amusement, but that is a tale for another time. 

If he could see the snarl on his face at that moment of impact he would not recognize that it was him.  His teeth were clinched tight.  The lift side of his face and limp slightly pulled up.  His breath was hard and jagged.  The hate that radiated off him was nuclear radiation.  The dog whimper again, but he didn’t hear it.  He was pre-occupied with now knowing he was not alone in his back yard. 

It took a moment.  However the camel that was now resting gently in his hand started to twirl again.  Rolling over his knuckles as he tried to process what was going on here. 

He was staring at a greenish grey fence.  Which had a barren grape vine on it, he hated that fucking grape vine, just like he hated the people who told him to leave it there and it was a nice touch to the place.  Fuck them.  However, he was also staring at a soda stain.  It was his Coke he had splattered against the fence.  The spray marks made this paint splatter wet spot effect.  However, this wasn’t really what was catching his mind’s eye.  No it was the two people standing on either side of him that caught his attention.

To his right stood a morbidly obese man that even made this man feel small.  He could smell the man from where he was standing.  The man reeked of sweat, piss, and shit as if he was unable to clean himself properly.  That was the first thing that hit him about this man was his foul stench.

He wasn’t really shocked though when he looked at the man in the eyes and felt as if he was looking into a mirror.   For it was mirror.  It was a mirror of a not so distant future.  This was a future that was on the horizon if followed the path that had guided most of his life.

The man’s hair was long matted and brown and wild.  It was unwashed and un-kept.  It was not the beautiful golden brown locks he had now.  It was longer, much longer.  It was tangled.  It was the hair of a street person who had given up.  It was clear that this man had given up. 

His beard was long and as un-kept as his hair.  He couldn’t help but to think caveman when he looked at it.  Was that food and snot hanging in it?  It was.  It was revolting.  His face had never been so bushy, but then again, it had never been that round either, and that was saying a lot.  This man had to be at least one hundred and fifty pounds heavier than he was. 

He also noticed the man’s lips were parted and he kept sucking in rapidly.  Quickly little gasps of air as if he was trying to get breathe into his lungs.  That was win he noticed the tube above the long whiskers that hung into his mouth with the green nose piece that was lodged into each nostril. 

He followed the clear tubs that ran out of the nose piece and the wrapped around this “man’s” head where they met in the back he assumed.  He couldn’t see around this large man.  However, he followed it in his mind and saw where it would be running behind this behemoth. 

The man wore a black tank top in which his meet hook arms squeezed out of it.  The RBK logo was so worn on it as if it had never really been there.  He knew that tank top/muscle shirt.  He wore it or version of it every time he walked; he had three of them after all.  The black shirt bore stains on it.  It looked like pizza stains, and chocolate stains, perhaps coffee too.  It was the epitome of filth and disgust. 

The worst part about it though was where it should have met his shorts it didn’t, it arched up over and showed a pail stomach covered with stretch marks and open sores.  He was so fat that his stomach hung out of the bottom of the shirt.  It looked like an old man’s ass of loose skin that hung and waggled. 

This man’s sweat shorts barely stayed up under his enormous stomach.  They did hang just above his knees.  However what was underneath those was truly disturbing.  The legs were red and swollen.  Open pus filled sores oozed and festered.  He had on medical socks that didn’t stay up.  If this man’s heart didn’t give out soon, then the infection hat riddled his body would take him before too long. 

 That is when he saw the clear chord tube again.  It ran to an oxygen tank that was rigged to rollers so this man could wheel it everywhere he went.   The rollers handle was held firmly in his left hand.  While his right held of all things a fucking cheeseburger wrapper. 

The cigarette stopped twirling in his hand as he recoiled away from this man.  This disgusting man that was nothing more than the pure definition of gluttony.  This man was nothing more than a walking pestilence.  He was half surprised this man wasn’t smoking as well.  Then he thought give him time to set down that burger wrapper. 

He turned to his left and looked at the other figure that had arrived.  However, this man who was slightly taller than him and the disgusting form to his right.    This figure for that is all he could really call it just stared over the greenish fence towards the sun.  His black hair just barely touched his long black trench coat.  His arms were stuffed into his pockets.  He saw the sun careening over the spikes of his long wild hair.  The silhouette was completely silent compared to the disgusting man’s ragged jagged breathes. 

What are you doing here he thought in his mind.  Why are you here he though as he stepped towards the splatter on the fence.  He was going to pick up the cup and fragments that lie on ground.  However, as he stepped forward the disgusting man’s stench increased and he gagged. 

As bile started to race up his throat he heard it for the first time.  Heemmmmmmmmth.  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo…. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.  He heard it not with his ears but with his mind.  Was it a wheeze?  A whisper?  Heemmmmmmmmth.  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo…. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.  It rattled around his mind again. 

He turned his head again to the disgusting man’s direction as he moved within reaching distance of the fence and the center most beams where the grape vine was centered.  Where it branched out and was the vines central nervous system.  Heemmmmmmmmth.  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo…. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.  He heard it again.  He thought also in his mind this is the laugh of the dead and dying.  This is the laugh of not pleasure but pure pain.  Heemmmmmmmmth.  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo…. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

His eyes looked to the man’s mouth and there he saw a grin, but not a green of happiness, but one of pure hate, and loathing.  One of a man who has said something cruel and is getting ready to be even crueler.  The look he knew had crossed his own face a millions times.  Heemmmmmmmmth.  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo…. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. 

He saw gaps in the man’s teeth.  So many of them were gone.  It made the raspy, weak breathing man’s chuckle all the worse.  It added a dark and grave tone to it.  Heemmmmmmmmth.  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo…. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.  A wheeze that was all grasping for breath so that he can spew cruel and harmful prose. 

He looked pasted the man tubes, and above his boil ridden nose for the first time and looked directly into the man’s cold, dead eyes.  For his eyes were dead of everything but hate and cruelty.  If that is all a man is left with then is he not really dead?

When he saw the man’s eyes he knew one thing was for sure, this was no man, it was a monster. 

A choked garble replaced the Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… As if the man was grasping for those cruel words and he was. 

He continued to twirl the cigarette as he was face to face with the grape vine and stared at this monster.  His mind was ripping apart and split into three distinct parts, his own, this monster’s thoughts and a third which was still and quiet.  It was there but distant, as if it was just out of reach.  However, unlike his mind, this place was quiet, and calm.  He longed for this.  He wanted this so much. 

Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…  You… cough, and gasping for breath.  You, no why… Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… the chuckles turn to coughs, the coughs turn to gasps for breath.  This monster could barely talk he was so fat.  His lungs must be full of fluid.  You know, why… Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…

Why what? Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… He heard in answer.  Then a fit of coughing.  He strained for the quiet area of his mind, but it was still out of reach.  Why you are Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…  Broken… Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…

His head dropped again and once again his bangs smacked into his face.  And his right hand stopped its twirling and he crushed the cigarette in the palm of his hand making a fist.  He felt a sharp pain in his left hand and released because it was no clutching into a fist as well. 

Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… Through a spray flem and gasps for air, he heard it again.  You are broken.  Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…  Broken, broken, broken. And all the happy go lucky bullshit thoughts will only lead you to me.  Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… then loud bellowing coughing and gasping.    I am your future.  I am your path.  For you are anger.  You are rage.  You will fail, because you always fail.  You can’t deny what you are.  Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… then loud bellowing coughing and gasping.

You want to know why you got passed over?  This is what the world see’s.  ME!  Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… then loud bellowing coughing and gasping.

He quickly released the crushed cigarette from his hand.   The fist returned quickly though.  the left fist was locked in still as well.  His mind was drifting ever closer to the black.  He felt it going there.  The calm space still to far out of reach.  The other figure silent as the grave gave him no help or hope.  His mind raced and raced until it landed on a phrase.  A phrase he had used once before to fight off anger and depression when the black was settling in.  When his heart was breaking not because he was rejected because of what his mind told him.  This mind.  This broken thing.  That held so many cards.  So he turned to his master.  The one who had given him KA.  The one that had given him a Tower to strive for.  The one who had showed him a broken addicted man can still be a hero, if Eddie Dean wasn’t his guiding light then who was.  The man who had terrified him as a child.  The man who elated him as a man.  The man whose wasn’t famous for his most powerful prose "The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."   Rather who was famous for showing us how truly terrifying a clown can really be.  The man who gave us the Shinning.  The man who gave us It.   He turned to King, because he so often turned to King.  Either for wisdom, or words, or inspiration.  His mind found words.  Words he didn’t expect to find.  Somehow fitting for a man whose mind was splitting in three and was face to face with a fence post.

 Words that were meant for our protagonist in IT.  To help him overcome a stutter.  Was his name not Billy to?  I think it was.  The words that ripped through the part of his mind that was still his where “He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”

Yes, yes, “He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”. 

He screamed out in rage and frustration.  “He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”, what happened next made the fat man to his right take a step back and also grab the attention of the silhouette to his left.  This man who saw not one ghost but two.  He did just as the Man King had told him.  He did in fact thrust his fist.  His left fist.  His powerful fist into the post.  The post that was greenish grey and covered in an empty vine.  He thrust hard and fast.  He struck harder.  He felt his left fist go through the vine and crunch up against the post. 


The startled monster regained his grip and chuckled and gagged harder and faster.  You want to know why you get spurned, passed over and laughed at?  This is what the world see’s.  ME!  The laughs were harder and harder now.  Faster, louder, more unhealthy.  Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… then loud bellowing coughing and gasping.

Gripping hard with his right hand in a first he twisted again and struck the post again.  This time with a right.  It was hard and he felt a hot liquid rush over his knuckles.  He often forgot just how strong he was.  The vine fell down in two pieces now. 

Somewhere far away he heard the dog whimper and whine.  That was another time though, another place.  He let his rage flow over him.

The monster wheezing and cackling like an old grandpa who just told his hated son he was the milk man’s son.  Was at it again. He was winning.  You want to know why 12 clicks on a key board can upset you so much you fucking baby?  Because you soft in the middle, like  pop-tart.  You are week.  You need to be loved is pathetic.  You need them to love you.  you need them to need you.  Instead the world sees how weak and emotional you really are.  After all this is what the world see’s.  ME!  The laughs were harder and harder now.  Faster, louder, more unhealthy.  Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… then loud bellowing coughing and gasping.

He fired back at the post this time with his left.  He struck it true and hard and he felt the fence shake. 

Somewhere far away he heard the dog’s whimper grow louder and louder and was that a bark?  He couldn’t think about that now because that was another time though, another place.  He was his rage and anger now. He was hate. 

The monster wheezing again and choking once again croaked. He was winning.  You want to know why your leader doesn’t respect you or what you do.  You want to know why he passes you over just like your friends do.  After all he sees what the rest of the world sees when they look at you.  ME!  The laughs were harder and harder now.  Faster, louder, more unhealthy.  Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… then loud bellowing coughing and gasping.

His right cross came quickly and splinters flied and it made contact.  The fence shook and rattled.  More warm liquid gushed down and through his hands.  Then just as quick as the right came, his left rained down thunder and war.  He felt the skin over his left knuckle split and more warm liquid poured into this hand. 

Somewhere far away he knew the dog was whimpering again.  Wanting to get to him.  However, he couldn’t think about that now because that was another time and another place.  He  totally consumed with the hate now.

The gasping, wheezing, choking in pure joy the monster was at it again. He sensed his victory near.  You want to know why your friends don’t reach out to you and love you.  Your KA-Mai after all.  A fool.  They laugh at you behind you back.  They plot against you.  You’re a fucking joke.  You want to know why? All they see is what the rest of the world sees when they look at you.  A failure.  Some who talks good but has no follow through.  Guess what blogs and talk won’t save your life, because they know what you won’t ever admit.  You don’t want to be saved.  You are a joke.  You are ME!  The laughs rattled in his head.  They were so hard.  So loud.  It was like Thunder!  Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… then loud bellowing coughing and gasping.

He crossed and hit the fence post with a right.  It slanted to the left and buckled.  He hit it again with a left. Blood ran from his hands like water from a faucet. 

Somewhere far away the dog was running around and barking.  Barking and barking.  She wanted to get out there.  To help him.  She wanted to love him.  However, there was no love for him.  There couldn’t be.  There was only hate.  He burned. He didn’t think he could burn any hotter when…

The gasping, wheezing, choking calmed. He knew he had won.  Now he would play his final card.  His cruelest jape.  The one he knew hurt him so bad.  Even more than being Ka-Mai.  Because this is what he knew he truly believes.  You want to know why she doesn’t love you.  Why she isn’t with you?  Why you are destined to walk alone?  Because when she looks at you and really takes the time to look at you, you know what she sees?  She sees that you are ME!  Nothing more and nothing left.    The laughs rattled in his head.  They were so hard.  So loud.  It was Thunder and lightning, a complete fucking storm!  Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… then loud bellowing coughing and gasping.

He never stopped his punching from the last jape.  He didn’t stop when the post cracked and feel into the neighbor’s yard.  Or when he fell on top of it and continued to rain haymakers down onto the fence.  He face was now covered in blood.  Blood that flew from his hands.  His arms were scratched and bleeding from coming through the broken pieces of the fence.  He realized he was screaming in rage.  He was screaming over and over “He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”

How long had he been yelling it?  How loud had he been yelling it?

His mind ripped.  He punched and hit the broken wood in front of him as he listened to the monster cackles and moans. 

The dog full out frantically barking behind him.  He never stopped.  He just repeated it over and over and hit and punched.  “He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts”

He stopped punching finally.  The monster still laughing.  There and only there covered in blood and broken by a future he couldn’t fathom but was still so close.  His heavy eyes, finally, let go.  They finally released the tears that had threatened to fall for over a year.  They washed over his face and he cried and cried and after a while he stopped saying “He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts” and just openly wept through all the pain he had been carrying for his entire adult life. 

In the back of his mind, he heard the dog barking ballistically.  In the front of his mind he heard the Monster cackling, wheezing, coughing, and gasping laugh.  Heemmmmmmmmth...  Haaattthhh...Hoooooooo… Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…

However, suddenly it stopped.  The monster wheezed a “NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” He stepped back and said “this is mine. Mine.  You can’t do this.  This is my path.  It is mine

It was at this point through teary eyes he looked to his left for the first time and noticed that the silhouette on this left had turned around and he could feel his calmness wash over everything.  It was not only calming but crushing.  Not for him but for the monster.  He could tell that the silhouette was looking at the monster.  Not saying anything just turning its head from left to right.  The monster couldn’t help but fall under that gaze.  The next thing he knew the monster was on its knees next to him.  Then getting smaller and smaller.  He was getting smaller, and smaller, until there was nothing. 

He looked finally into this face and what he saw looking back at him was truly breath taking to him.  He saw dark spiky hair that framed a powder or ghost white face.  The face over all was guitar pick shaped.  Rounded at the top and then coming down into a sharp point for a chin.  There was no mouth.  Not really, rather there was a red slit.  It reminded him of a flatter less pronounced Verizon V.  There was no nose.  However where it should have started was the end of purple lightning bolt. That crossed through the right eye but know that wasn’t right was it?  No it was not because there were not eyes at all.  There were almond shaped holes.  Holes that where partially covered with black spike hair that hung over them.    He knew the face.  He knew it well.  He was looking into the face of convergence.  The face that was appalling to others but spoke hope to him.  The face of the Black Reaper. 

The Black Reaper shook his head so that his eyes were no longer covered by his black hair.  He looked to the dog and immediately she sat down and shut up.  Then he looked back and locked eyes with this man on his knees whose pain had finally fallen from his eyes. 

He looked through his teary eyes and into the Black Reaper’s eye sockets.  At first he saw only blackness.  Endless deep blackness that seemed to go on forever.  Then he found himself looking into the calm part of his mind.  He couldn’t help but to start crying again.  Tears rolled down his face, because this was the world he knew and dreamed of.  It was a place of peace and joy.  IT was the world he knows in his dreams.  Then as he cried he smiled because the first thing he heard was so sweet and simple and honest “Let the Lord of Chaos Rule!”  For was that not the first rule of acceptance.  To let go of everything.  Let go of every filter.  Every rule.  Let life be lived as it was meant to be.  

He also saw that slow over time his weight would melt away as he slowly rebuilt faith and believe into his own existence.  In the Black Reapers never ending eyes he saw what he had long expect to be true.  That there are other worlds than these and there was.  Just like the countless world’s so where the countless possibilities.  He saw hope in those endless eyes sockets.  He saw love.  He saw peace.  He saw the giant wheel of KA turn over and over again. 

He saw that no life is lived without great love and great loss.  He saw that you can only truly know pleasure if you actually knew pain first.  He saw most of all that this too shall pass.  That we only end up as the monster at the end of the book if we lose hope and that we stop dreaming. 

He saw the path of the beam.  He saw the road to his tower.  Then he started crying again, this time openly weeping like a baby when he saw that he was in fact on the path.  That for the first time in his life he knew the difference between knowing the path and walking it. 

He saw a life worth living can be built on principles of being a dreamer, being honest, being free, being, fearless and living to get radical was certainly one worth living.  He didn’t see details and he couldn’t as he knew, what the Black Reaper knew, that this show would be unfair.  That these expectations would become unattainable because they would be presumed to be givens. 

What he saw for sure was that a triathlon not matter the shortest or the longest will not train for itself, so he had to get out there and go.  So he must commit to training.  He saw whatever lap goal set for a pool could not be accomplished without swimming the laps.  What he saw was that being healthy started with moving, and ended with eating right.  He saw that motivation got you started, but it can only be habits that got you down the path of the beam.  Therefore habits would have to be formed or wasn’t it really continued to be formed.  He saw that he must continue to eat the healthy, natural food, and stay away from the bad gunky.  Like the bag of smack in his house.  He would take care of that soon enough.  The trash can wasn’t good enough for that poison.  He saw that he must become positive, with happy good thoughts and this would carry him down the path further.  He knew that for the first time he must become a true believer, not in any god, but in himself.  He saw that he would and never could give up on his dreams, no matter what posts he hit or broke. No matter how lonely his heart was or how sad he was because he felt left behind.  He knew now that that there was light at the end of every dark tunnel. 

He saw everything he wanted was possible if he only did one thing and one thing only.  If he believed.  If he stood up and was true to his heart.  If was honest.  If he admit his rage.  His anger and his sort comings.   He knew lives, much like triathletes weren’t born, and they were made through hard work, dedication, and perseverance. 

The Black Reaper showed him the path he was on.  Showed him you might not always get the closure you seek.  The job you want.  The life you think is yours by rights.  However, you get what you need, so that you can find your way, to your tower.

His head fell once again and his blood matted hair smacked into his sunglasses, let tears leak all over his face.  He looked at his swollen, broken, bloody hands.  They were covered with broken pieces of wood and splinters, plus dried coagulated blood.   

He looked at the fence that he would have to try and explain to the neighbors.  He saw for the first time into their backyard.  He was partially shocked he wasn’t looking into a bone yard, but rather just a normal natural backyard. 

Then he looked up to see the magic in the Black Reapers eyes just one more time.  However, he was gone.  From his knees he looked passed where the Black Reaper had been into the sun and stretched his arms wide and let the sun rain down on his face.  There completely open to the sun.  He was stricken with hope and happiness, and finally tears once more.  Tears, and tears, and he shook to his very core as new hope washed over him as rain fell from his eyes.

He cried till he couldn’t cry anymore.  When all his tears were gone.  He opened his eyes and the sun had started to move.  So he looked back to the neighbors backyard, however, it was gone.  What stood there instead was a grape vine.  Barren and wiry, but still very much there in front of his greenish grey fence post, that had never moved.  It was just covered with a wet patch were a coke had been flung.  He would have to wash that off.

He looked at his hands, and there were no scraps.  No bruises.  No splinters.  Nothing.  They were whole and complete.  Tanned to his liking, and the same hands that he had come out here with. 

That is when he heard the dog whimpering and whining and he turned and opened the slider.  She rushed out and jumped on him.  Kissing his face over and over and over.  Licking where the tears once had fallen.  He hugged the puppy close to him not carrying she shed all over. 

He looked again to the fence, and he wondered for a moment what had just happened.  Then he heard a distinct voice in his calm head say first “Let the Lord of Chaos Rule! However more importantly never forget there are other worlds than these!  Stay the path and you will walk in the roses at the feet of your Tower! So, Stand and be True!” 

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