Monday, May 5, 2014

Good Hair vs Good Hair



There are three party’s forming in my life. 

The first party is led by #1 and #2 wives or DS and RG.  They have a clear and distinct view on things my hair looks bad.  I either look like a Page from Robin Hood times, or a surfer dude, or just plan look like shit.  Saturday, I endured a lecture from my dear ones about how awful my hair looks.  I was informed that before Dorothy and I could leave the house, I must pull my hair out of my face because she would not be seen in public with me while my hair was down.   Hence forth this group of people shall be called the haters.  The haters are quick to remind me I don’t look professional right now, that I couldn’t go to a dream job interview right now with my long locks.  The people who say they like my hair are either idiots or liars.  I was thinking long and hard after their tough talking on Saturday about getting a haircut.  Other non-fans include but are not limited to Jenny from Work, Kelly from Work, and of course all bald men.

Then I am in line at Peet’s this a.m.  A Peet’s without coffee mind you, but a Peet’s none the less.  This older lady turns me and she is like I want to let you know you have beautiful hair.  I said thank you.  Then she says to me I bet you were blonde when you were a boy.  I was like I was.  Then she went on to tell me what a nice beard I had.  I was like thank you so much, I was thinking about cutting it b/c of all the reasons listed under First Party above.  She said no.  That my hair was lovely and I should be proud.  There weren’t a lot men who are willing to wear their hair as they wish.  Thus a second party is forming that support long locks have become known as the believers.  This party also includes the company’s executive admin whose husband sure know how to make a tri tip (see last night’s blog).  I ran into her on the elevator after getting my Americano.  I told her what #1 and #2 had said and she was like, you don’t cut your hair. I love it. It is so thick and pretty.  I said don’t forget soft.  It is soft like the wings of angel.  Other co-workers and some former co-workers support the hair. 

The third party includes the likes of A, and this is the neutrals.  Or a better word for them is they don’t give a shit about Billy b’s hair.  Several people are just in different or kept their mouth shut when asked about it.

So… here we are… a battle of good hair.  Let’s just be honest, long or short, my hair is good.  I know it, you know it.  We all know it.  Perhaps it is a little shaggy right now and un-kept, but isn’t that ok, because I like it?  My hair has never been this long.  I have always wanted to have a slicked back pony tail look and yes, there was a time and place for it and that is called college, but you know what, we are discovering ourselves a little late here. 

Then there was the fundraiser idea for next year’s Tri team (2015) and that was let it grow long enough for everyone to hate it and then have people pay me to shave it all off as a TNT fundraiser and then perhaps my hair could be donated.  Locks of love length are 10 inches and I am already at 10 inches in some places, so this is no unreasonable idea.  Can you see a fundraising party with some booze involved and my two favorite honorees Dorothy and CP shaving my head?  Wouldn’t that be fun?  I bet people would pay lots of money to watch Billy b get his head shaved. 

So, I am thinking about putting this to a vote either on the blog or face book or somewhere else… where people can vote… Good Short Hair or Good Long Hair. 

I will say this, I do fear that sometimes people look at me at size and say, that dude has just given up on life.  He doesn’t shave or cut his hair.  He wears a lot of muscle T’s and workout shorts, and flip flops.  If that dream job interview came up what would they think?  It is because of this thought I would entertain the idea of getting a trim. 

So what do you people think, what should the kid do go with good hair or good hair?


  1. Good hair. I like the idea of growing it out.

    Stop worrying about the dream interview. If it's right the hair doesn't matter. :)

    1. Awesome! Thanks you! I guess we will let KA decide!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
