Friday, May 23, 2014



The truly educated will know the second acronym and well if not it doesn't matter.  What matters is it Friday.  It's Friday and my creativity is still a bit stumped.   The world is changing all around us.   The is no looking back now.  It can never go back to what it was.  Never.  

We all stumble.  We all fall down.  Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.  The recovery time is quicker though.  More precise.  You down accept lying in a whole, you choose to stand up and fight it.

Why not?  

How many crossroads have you blown through?  How many times have you missed your turn and chance to get off?  I am hoping my long weekend (LW) will be one filled with deep thought and meditation on what is next and if we are really willing to pay the iron price for it (that will be the only reference to pyke I'll make until the crow's eye and Victorian show up!)

I can smell the change and freedom in the air.  I can see a tower off in the distance sketched eve so slightly on the horizon.  KA can be like the wind and change on a moments notice.  Is  KA with me or will I be relegated to its fool once more?  Who knows?  Who can tell?  All we can do is get up.  Put one foot in front of the other and go and let KA do it's part.   

Today could just be another Friday or it could be a fork in road.  Only I can decide which path to walk or what to do with myself if I end up being KA-Mai again...  Only time will tell.  However what we do at that moment will be what defines us...  We aren't the man who was let down a year ago this time.  I can tell you this.  I won't fall to pieces and hope that some show will save me.  No.  I'm the man in control of my destiny! I'm the one who has risen from black.  

No going back.  Never.  It's Friday and the dawn of a long weekend (alk)

Peace and let the Black Reaper Rise!

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