Thursday, May 22, 2014

strange days but the Tower is Closer

I am still having writers block, but not sure if it is because I am in a strange place or because i am tired or if my mind is just focused else where right now... i have done something that I have not done since starting the buddy system, started a piece and left it sitting there... perhaps it is like the old wound I ripped open, its sitting there festering?  However, I can't spin that tale, not right now.  Because I can't go Black.  I can't invoke the Black Dread right now.. i just can't.  To much is at stake.  These are strange days, and I must remain on my A game.... so i will leave with you something that inspired me...

I called it the Tower is Closer and it is the first tim eI think I really started speaking about my Tower..

who knows...  but I can see it in the far off distance.... 

tomorrow we will try to get back to our writing... tonight i am thin, like butter over to much bread and I still have to drive back to San Jose.  Peace and guess tomorrow is fucking Friday!!! Rock on!!!

The Tower is Closer:

I can’t exactly remember how King said it or if he was the one that said it at all? I guess looking back I am not even sure I know what it meant to the Great King himself. What I do know is what it means to me. 

I will admit my memory is a little fuzzy because it has been a few years since I have opened a Dark Tower novel. I do recall in places it making a reference that the Tower was closer. What I interpreted that to mean was that the goal was at hand. That the Gunslinger and his ka-tet were ever closer to the Dark Tower. I know this is sure genesis coming out of my finger tips right now. It takes a very deep insightful person to figure out what it means on the service. The small band of gunslingers would stop at nothing and let no one or anything get in their way of finding the Dark Tower. They went to the end of worlds to quench their never quite satisfied thirst to drink from the Dark Tower. 

My point is that the world is changing. I am moving on with the world. I am not sure when it happened or how, or what even triggered it, but I know it is happening. I can feel it; I can see it in my actions. 

I guess I woke up one day and realized life is too fucking short to worry about the shit that doesn’t matter. That in order to lead a happy healthy life, then one must first become happy with one’s self. One must grow up and become the person he or she was meant to be. 

In order to do that one must know what one wants to become or at least have an idea of what that is. I think I figured that out. I think I know now what I want. You truly know when that want becomes passion and obsession and that thing is worth everything to you. That want, that idea, that obsession becomes your purpose and you will stop at nothing to get where you want to go. Then that goal becomes your Dark Tower. Therefore, every day you do something to work towards that, the Tower is closer.

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