Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Shot of Wild Turkey (A TNT Tale sort of)

Ok really... today was weird.  I have so much to say but can't write anything... so I will through this back out there...  it was one of my funnest.... have to go walk now... so much to do so little time... KA is a wheel

            The first time I heard of Wild Turkeys in the parking lot, is when I got a picture form my boss. I was amazed by the randomness of the photo.  I was thinking, just where in the hell had he gone for lunch in order to get a picture of a Wild Turkey.  I had no idea.  I never thought bout it again. I closed the picture and the world, as only the world can do, moved on.
            The next time I heard about Wild Turkeys in the parking was when a co-worker asked me if I had seen them yet.  I said seen what.  She said the Wild Turkey?  I said well of course I had seen, the Wild Turkey.  I mean after all was it not Thanksgiving 2002, when I decided that it would be a great idea to ask everyone if they wanted some Turkey?  Then when they said yes, I would go to the freezer and pull the bottle of iced chilled Wild Turkey, set it down and then set up two shots of it.  Then drink one down with them and follow it up with a little Gobble, gobble. You see to me at this point it was not an option to pass up the creature, gobble, gobble but rather a right of passage, a ticket to the meal and Gods be damned if you anyone who would be eating Thanksgiving dinner at Doc and Carol Burkle’s would be afraid of a little taste of the Turkey.  I was drunk before dinner, so ya, ya I had seen the Wild Turkey.  But, no, she was not talking about the booze. She was talking about a beast, but a beast of another kind.  She said there were actually wild Turkeys in the office parking lot.
            Let me just tell you what a strange concept this was for me to understand.  You see our office in though in Pleasanton isn’t in a rule area.  No, quit the opposite.  The office is stuck in between a major highway and a mall.  So, how could there be turkeys in the parking lot.  It made no sense.  So, I was just oh ya, whatever turkeys in the parking lot and dismissed it.  A Turkey in an office parking lot in the middle of an oasis of office buildings and a mall, whatever. Whatever.
            Then last Thursday, a co-worker told a tail of how when she was trying to leave the parking lot or was it come in, I don’t recall, doesn’t matter but she played chicken with one a wild turkeys.  That she would pull forward and then turkey would move forward, and they had a standoff.  I was amused by this story, but didn’t think a lot about it.  Still, I thought the very idea of Turkeys in parking a bit odd.  However, then same day at lunch a difference co-worker told her story about a run in with the Turkeys. Now, four co-workers had seen turkeys in the parking lot.   I finally just accepted that for some god unknown reason, I worked in an office building in which Wild Turkey hung out in the parking lot.  However, once again, I dismissed it.  I was quit sure that the turkeys were something on the outskirts of the office parking lot on the side of building I refused to park on and because of that I would never see or have to deal with them.  However, if I did ever come face to face with these things, I am sure I would be ok, I mean after all, I am Billy b, Friend of Animals, and Inspirations to all, or at least I have been know as that in some circles, much like in some circles, I am known as the Blackfish, others the Black Reaper, and still others Chopsticks Burkle. 
            That’s why on the fine April night when I walked out of the office, what happened, still haunts me to my very core.  Sometimes I wonder if I had just parked in the back of the building like 90% of the office if things wouldn’t have been different. I wonder if I had known what I know now if I would not have done it all differently.  However, that is all I can do now is wonder because as they say, what is done is done. The world has moved on, and I can’t un-see what I have seen, I can’t change the things I have done, or the things that I had to do.  No.  I can’t. 
            It wasn’t quit dusk when I left the man cave II that night.  I had finished up some work for the vultures, I mean the auditors, no, no these vile creature are more like vultures for sure.  They pick on the dry dusty bones of the carrion, thus vultures, they are.  Anyway, I was finishing up with them. Kenny had already gone, he had a family obligation that night, and so I was leaving alone.  The cool spring air hit my face when I walked out the door and I noticed the parking lot was pretty empty.  I did see a lady walking towards her car in front of me, so it was not entirely disserted. 
            As I walked I took my eyes off the lady in front of me and looked over to the Mall.  At that point, I wished so badly that Rachel and Mike still lived in Pleasanton.  I wish I could say that was because I really wanted Rachel to go to the pool with me to swim masters, but if I said this I would be lying.  No, what I was really thinking is I wish they lived here so we could go to the mall and go to Cheesecake Factory, b/c to be honest with you I was in the mood for lettuce wraps, hand made guacamole and chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake. 
            MMMM chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake, I thought when I heard it.  Hear this!  Hear it very well.  In your minds eye, I want you to hear the most horrible, bloodcurdling scream you have ever heard. Hear and snap your head up.  Snap it up fast, so fast, so fast that you give yourself whiplash.  Then see; see before you eyes the most horrific thing you have eve seen. 
            See a middle age women, probably a mother of three, she her standing at her BMW.  See her standing there at her BMW screaming, screaming like she has just seen the Devil himself, or even worse Pennywise the Clown.  GOD, I hate clowns.  However, that isn’t what was in front of her.  No, what was in front of her was some how much more terrifying.  Plus, I am convinced had it been the Devil or Pennywise; I would have been more equipped to handle the situation.  I mean after all I watch Supernatural.  Sammy and Dean have taught me well.  I know Devil’s don’t like salt and Goblins don’t like silver.  I would have therefore at least been prepared for that.  I have a silver chain on my neck, and salt packet in my trunk (long story).   No, what was in front of her getting ready to pounce was the grandest Wild Turkey I had ever seen.  When I say grand we aren’t quit talking Macy’s Thanksgiving parade, but damn close, and with everything Sammy and Dean had taught me on Supernatural they never taught me how to fight a Giant Turkey.  Demon check, yonder hob check, vampire, Sasquatch, ghosts, all check.  Giant Turkey, nope no check mark for that but guess, what I got an idea for season 7.
            My instincts told me, turn your big ass around and go back into the office.  Do, it and do it fast, because that turkey looked pissed and well, pissed off turkey are um bad, mmmk.  However, at this point in the story, I have to curse the damn hero inside of me, because I didn’t listen follow instinct.  No, I listened to that little, much smaller, voice in my head that said you have to do something and you have to do it now.  Move Blackfish, move.  Get over there and save that poor women and me being the idiot I am, well I listened. 
            I dropped my backpack off my shoulders and sprinted across the parking lot.  Not really sure what in the Gods name I was going to do when I got over to the giant gobbler.  
            It continued to crotched and just as it was about to leap, I came flying out of no where like Terrance Tate office linebacker and sacked the lady pulling her out of the way of this foul beast.  As I grasped the lady in my arms, I pulled her close and tucked her underneath me and then went down to the ground right should first and did a ninja roll.  As I popped to my feet with her in my arms coming out of the roll, she never touched the ground.  Ya, I am that kind of a badass and I turned around to see the turkey pulling it self out of the twisted metal heap that used to be her BMW.   Z German’s might able to make a car that can handle on rails, but not one that can take a giant turkey to the side.   The car looked like something that had almost one the Vigo County fair demolition derby, but had to break its stick just before the end.
            As the Giant Turkey started to pull itself outside of the scrap metal that had been this ladies car, I sprint once again, this time to the passenger door of my high performance machine, the Chevy Impala.  Ya, its pretty bad ass, I fill it with regular, and drive her like she is a racecar.  I tossed this lady into the car and slammed the door, and spun on my heels.
            After I came out of my spin, I found myself eye to eye with the beast, and ok it wasn’t eye to eye, it was more like; its eyes to my belly, but you get the point right?  Then I felt a jab to my stomach.  The damn thing had lunged me headfirst and smacked me in my gut.  I was a little stunned, then foul thing did it again, and it hurt.  Well, I wasn’t going to just stand there and being a punching back for this grand gobbler, no, no not me.  So, I did what any good man would do in a similar situation.  I ran.  I ran like the wind.  I mean after all, I am Billy b, four time triathlete, and finisher of at least 12 endurance vents and I rand fast. 
            So, picture this.  A man, a man well over three hundred pounds running.  Running for his life and running in circles around his Chevy Impala.  See this man large man, in a dead sprint.  See him running for his life, and running in circles around his car?  Then see the chaser, a Wilder Turkey.  Who is bigger than most wild turkeys, but still about 1/3 the size of the man he is chasing.  See the man.  See the turkey. 
            Then put yourself in the place of the man.  Put yourself in the mans place and see if as you were passing the driver side door, if you would not have had the exact same thought.  That if you don’t do something, and do it fast, this turkey is going to catch you, and when it does, it is going to jab you and jab you with it’s head and beak until you are bloody.  See if you don’t think the exact same thing I thought, when I passed the driver side passenger door and headed around the back of the car.  The only way I am going to get out of this is to out smart this fucking beast. 
            Then see if your mind doesn’t go back to your childhood.  See if doesn’t see Bo and Luke Duke running from Boss Hog and Roscoe P. Coltrane and one jumping in the passenger window and the other sliding across the hood of the General Lee and jumping into the driver seat and pulling driving off into the sunset.  See if you don’t think to yourself, I have to outsmart this damn turkey.  So when I start by the passenger door, in of continuing to run, I will swing out a little further and then jump/slide across the hood of my car, and when I do that, I will then jump into my driver side door and drive off into the sunset, leaving this Goddamn Turkey behind. 
            So as I pass the passenger side tail light, I don’t cut left hard, as I had done the previous thirty times.  Yes, it was about thirty at this point.  See my big ass swinging out a little more to the little further than before.  See me then hooking back to the left and see me running towards the front right fender of my car.  See, me getting ready to jump.  See this all, and see it very well. 
            Now, lets be honest.  I have no illusions about my size.  I am a big bastard and though light and graceful in the pool, and being almost fish like, I am not graceful on my feet.  On a bike, I am ok, when I get the legs pumping, I can cycle ok.  However, on my feet, I am not fleet footed.  Not in the least.  More important, on a good day, when I am feeling light, I might have a vertical of about a half-inch, and that if we are measuring from the ground to a quarter inch of the soles of my shoes.  So the idea of me being able to jump up onto the hood of my car, well, is just CRAZY TALK! However, I was in a bind and I had to try. 
            So with the turkey now on my heels and getting ready to catch, me I get to the front of the car, and I jump, and well, I smack right into the fender of my car and fall straight back onto my ass.  Only, it’s not the ground I land on but the Grand Turkey himself.  And when all my mass and me come crashing down, and down hard on this gobbler,
            The splat, crunch I heard was one that I sit here and write it is taking everything I have to keep the bile down.  Think of the bigger coach roach you have ever seen, and then think about smashing him under your shoe.  Think about the sound.  That splatter crunching sound that it makes as everything that is the roach and inside that roach is destroyed.  That is what I heard as my world literally came crashing down on this turkey.
            I lay there looking at the sky, thinking, that underneath me there was nothing, but bile of broken bones and turkey flesh.  However, I was relieved.  I was relieved because even know I had crushed this giant turkey under my girth, it was over.  The nightmare was over, the chase was over, I had saved that women.  I had out run and outwitted the wild turkey. I lay gasping for breath.  Thinking that maybe, just maybe the Gods didn’t hate me.  That maybe just maybe, I was going to get out of this in one piece. 
            CLICK, CLICK, CLICK…  that is what I heard.  The very next thing I heard was, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK.  I had heard that noise somewhere before.  That tap, tap, tapping.  I had heard it but where.  My mind raced.  Where had I heard that tap, click, and tap, in threes?  Then, as I tried to pull myself up I froze and my world came crashing back down on me.  My breath speed up.  My heart began thumping like crazy, and a new waive of horror washed over me, because I had placed it.  I had placed that sound.  Yes, yes, I had. 
            One of my favorite movies of all time is Jurassic Park.  Why, because I love the Velociraptor.  There is nothing more in the world that I think is more badass than those evil bastards.    Most of all, I love the part of the movie when the raptors three are chasing the main characters in the museum.  Then they would stop, for really no reason at all.  They would stop and with their longs claw from their foot, they would do a little tap that went something like this: CLICK, CLICK, and And CLICK.  It was just a little tap, tap, tap-a-rue.  Also, did I mention, that Velociraptor actually means bird of prey.  Ya that is exactly what it means. 
            My head flopped, and yes, I mean flopped to the right.  I say flopped because I had lost control of every muscle in my body, and I was reinvested with fear.  As I looked over, I saw a foot that resembles so much the Velociraptor that I screamed.  I screamed with everything that I had.  Then I when I finished screaming like a teenage girl in the latest and greatest slasher flick, I flipped my eyes up and actually saw a larger turkey then the one, I had just pancaked under my fat ass.  Then to my left, I heard another, CLICK, TAP, CLICK and once again my head swung over to see yet another Giant Wild Turkey approaching form that side.  Then my head fell back as I heard yet another set of claws going CLICK, TAP, CLICK and a third giant turkey was approaching.  This when I felt my rocking at my feet and heard a hiss and I looked up and a forth giant turkey was on the hood of my car and he was looking like he was going to pounce on me.
            I knew many things at that moment.  First, I was an idiot for not running back into the building, being a hero was for the birds, no pun intended.  Second, I was about to get my ass handed by a bunch of poultry.  Finally, if I didn’t move and move fast, most likely I was going to die in that parking lot and Gods be damned of all the ways I had thought about going over the years, at the hands of four pissed off Turkeys was one way, I fathomed.  Really, I didn’t see it coming.   Plus, I realized, I was too young and pretty to die. So, I had to move and move quickly. I new it would take all my stoogly cunning to get out of this mess.
            That is when I remember my training.  My ninja training, that I had under gone with Master Krug in Koto, when I was traveling in Japan earlier this year.  Yes, I was a ninja, and I would be damned if I would let me master down by getting worked over by four turkeys.  That was no way for a ninja to die. 
            So I forced myself to rock backward and pop up onto my feet, then I gripped the smashed turkey from under me and twirled it around like it was nunchucks and as I the four turkeys started to close in on my, I did another ninja roll and broke the circle.  If I was going to fight four cunning birds, I wasn’t going to let any of them be behind me. 
            The hood turkey, he appeared to be the leader, snapped at me and dropped from the car.  He and the other three lined up and started waking towards me.  I knew at this point I needed to do something unexpected.  Something to through these smart bastards off, something to keep them off balance.  So, I struck out quickly with the dead bird in my hand and slapped each turkey across the face.  They all perked their heads up at this and that is when I did yet my forth ninja roll of the day and got back in between them and my car. 
            However, at this point I was fresh out of ideas, and I knew, that I was going to have to fight and well hope for the best.  As I was about to engage with these bastards mono-y-birdo I heard something. Something that I couldn’t quite believe, something that was so shocking, but wonderful to my ears.  I heard a long and strong “AFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLLLLACCCCCCCKKKKKK!” and I knew the Gods had not yet forsaken me, as out of no-where falling form the sky came a swarm, and yes I mean a swarm of Ganders the likes I have never seen and they were lead by my once enemy and now ally GOOSE.  Yes, that goose, the one from the Story of the Goose, and the follow up the Lost Story of the Goose.  They came sweeping in much like the eagles at the end of the Return of the King.  They swooped in and they smashed head first into the Turkeys and a battle began, a battle that will be written about in the bird histories to compare to that of Bull Run and Normandy.  However, since I am not a bird history, I can’t say anymore about that. 
            At this point the lady got out of my front seat to see what was going on.  She was stunned and could not believe she had been saved by a flock of geese.  Goose, landed in front of me.  He looked over to the carnage and then looks back at the lady, my car and me. 
            “Aflac” he said. 
            “Aflac” I said. 
            “You, be wanting to get her out of here now, this is no place for a lady.” He said flipping is beak towards the lady. 
            “But Goose, this is twice you have saved me.  I can’t let you keep fighting my battles for me. I…”
            “AFLACcccccc” he squawked, “your battle lies not here, with crude animals.  Your fight is another once.  A fight that has not been won, a fight you must return to now.  Leave these to me.”
            “But Goose!” says I.
            “But nothing, go now.  You must go now, this is going to get ugly.”  He fixed me with a hard look.  One that said he understood that I wanted to help, but one that said this really wasn’t my fight.  This battle had to be left to the birds.  I shook my head and cast my eyes down.  I dropped the dead turkey from my hand, and asked the lady to get back in the car.  That is when Goose spoke again.
“Kid!” he said flipping his beak in the general direction of the passenger door of the car and the lady.  “Nice Rack!”  The lady and me looked at each other and I glanced down, thinking well ya, but then turned back to him but still with a look of shock on my face.  One that he could read and he shook his head and side.  “NOT that Rack, That one!” and with his beck he point to the top of my car, and my eyes followed him and saw the Thule Bike rack that me and El Beaver Grande had mounted up their three years before, then I grinned like a school boy and said “Yes, Goose, yes it is a nice rack”
With we nodded to each other and I put the lady in the car and then ran around to the driver side door and hopped in the Impala and drove out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell.

By the way, I am back with Team in Training for the Summer Season 2011, and I am going to Double Dip at Pacific Grove.  So be ready for another summer full of funny stories and hijinx that only the Kid can indulge in!


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