Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Not again! WTF!

I think today should be called Wednes’DOH.

I can’t fucking believe it happened again!  Two weeks to the day of the untucking incident.  I am getting my car, and this time I heard it.  I heard it!  I the pulling, the tearing and the  unwinding of ripping of my fucking pants!

What is going on here…. really what is going on…. twice in two weeks.  My pants fit better.  People said they looked looser.  So why are they tearing!!!!  Is there a cosmetic force that wants to me to go pant less?  I mean I can think of two or three or maybe just one women who wants me that way, but nature itself.  I mean I will go moo moo and toga if I must!

No shit… things are a bit breezy today…


On a happier and healthier note, I am sitting here eating hummus, pita chips, and carrots after my meeting with Sue. 

Three weeks ago and ever appointment I have made in the last six months with here have ended with in the drive through at McDonalds.  Yes.  That is right.  Meet with Sue, and then hit McDonald’s b/c it was the only drive thru between here and there. 

Well today, I said fuck the dumb shit!  I went to Wf.  It cost me my pants.  But other than that it all worked out for the best :D

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