Monday, April 21, 2014

A new week... a new image... of self....

"So begins another week . May yours be as awesome as my last one was and this one is going to be! Happy Monday!" Billy b on 4/21/2014
At some point in time you have to stop fighting it, every week Monday comes around.  Monday's are the start of the new week. When you are trying to change your life each new week is filled with hope and promise.  therefore you must embrace it.
My ass is still sore.  I feel like Ned Beatty in Deliverance....  I am actually pretty exhausted after waking up feeling great.  Perhaps it was because I had troubling dreams.  I mean after all last night in my dreams I did cause the deaths of Tywin Lannister, Keven Lanister, and some other people who happened to be hanging out with him.  I am not sure why the house Lanister where after me, other the fact, I apparently over stated there services forecast and Tywin was pissed.  Then he and his clan chased me around the Hotel I was staying in.  However, some how I luered them into a trap and a giant man eating black thing engulfed each of them and swalled them whole.  It was really quiet alarming.  Of course Ser Jamie wasn't there, nor where the oathkeeper so at least I kept him safe in my mind.  Pretty fucked up dream though right?  Oh ya and to make it worse, my parents where there and I had to keep them out of harms way too.  Now we all know that is just a nightmare.
so I am pushign through the morning.  sipping on the peet's and hoping I wake the fuck up!!!
Still being tired I won't let it dampen my spirits.  I am actually happy today is Monday and another week is under way. 
goal: bike ride, 3 swims, 1 or 2 walks....  Next week we might even add in a spin class or two.    However we take these things slowly.    Today is my rest day, thank goodness.  I have to be in bed by 9 today. 
I am excited... I found some old pictures... check out the dude that everyone called fat...  I can't wait till I look like this again.  It is coming.  Look at the one at top.  Me travelign the world and chilling.  I had a waist.  What!  pretty exciting.  It's coming.  slowly bus surely, it is coming.  I will get back to this place.  I also noticed I have nice side burns, in 170 lbs we will see if they stiill look as stylish....

Have a great day people!!!! Take care and keep on keeping on!!!!
After 6 pints in Enis, Ireland

Making Billy b's special Fajitas in Maastricht

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