Tuesday, April 8, 2014

a matter of "tri"ing


As I discussed yesterday in "Matters of the Heart" I am healthy! I think I can thank all the gods old, and new for that! I feel like I've been given a another, another chance and this time I won't fail. I'm to well supported by my friends and family . This family here at the Buddy System.

I've also been lucky because everyday I have something to say. I never am really at loss for words. I've even started to think these things out in advance. It was now accident I spoke of the five principles that rule my life, and I am living by those as best I can.

1. Be a dreamer
2. Honest
3. Free
4. Fearless
5. Live to get radical

Can't say them enough. They are a force!

So my goal for this week of blogging was to tell 4 stories of the places I would travel to and how my trip would be as a thin, transformed man. So today's blog on travel was the start of that

Another idea yesterday was five things I would do as a thin man. The first was travel, the second was triathlon. Then the third was learn to surf and as I was typing it I went back to two and thought to myself that's not right. No. Because I can do a tri now. I could, it would be slow and ugly, but I could tri now if need be. I could train for a tri now. I've been on triatus for over a year. Perhaps maybe perhaps, I could tri now. The I was like no I can't. I've having issues with my ticker. So we can't come off triatus just yet.

However, I left the doctor, I blogged, I meditated, I visualized, I tried to cry, I laughed, I played with puppy, and I watched a clone wars episode or 2. Mainly I thought and meditated. Yes, I meditate. It's part of my ritual to move towards better health. In my meditation I came to a conclusion.

I would start training today for the Pacific Grove Sprint Triathlon in September. That's right. It's official, I'm off triatus. It's gonna be hard. I mean that brutally hard. But I have to tri. Like the pun. Ahahaha.

No shit really. I'm not sure if I team it up w TNT, not sure the stress of fundraising is something I want to take on right now. Or if I will do it with team Billy b (which is very selfish if I do say so myself to call it such). I cAlled the banners so to speak. I talked to JC and she is in. I talked to RR and she is in. Tyson is here to help me to. I've sent messages to Deb as well. It's on, like Donkey Motherfucking Kong, bitches! I will race again and much sooner than expected.

The swim ain't not thing. the only hard part about the swim is getting in and out of the wet suite. Fucking wet suite! Otherwise you know I'm part fish baby! A Blackfish to be exact!

The bike I already dreading because we all know that Fuji in my garage and it's narrow seat have one idea in mind when it comes to me and it's called violating my bum bum. I feel like every time I get on that seat it's trying to make me it's prison mate. I jest here of course but jokes are always funny. But seriously if I can ride 12 miles by September do you know how fucking huge that will be for me! Do you? Huge! Big big huge! I don't think I can even ride a mile right now but we are going to tri! It's very liberating to say this. To say I'm going after it again. Saying I'm going to be an athlete again.

Walking. I can walk. I busted out 1.6 miles in my first training tonight. Speed is 2.5 mph, got lots of work to do. We will do it.

The thing is I really feel like KA is pushing me down this path. It's no coincidence I went to dinner with DS, CP, JC, HH and RG and now I'm talking about racing again. No, that's KA. I'm ready to give myself over to the game of triathlon once again. I'm ready to swim, bike and walk my way across another finish. Who knows I might end up swimming on Saturday too.

It's liberating. I totally fucking liberate right now. I'm free! Ive dealt with my devils. I've found a good path. I'm walking the walk. No, I swim, bike, and running it!

I'm fucking back baby! I'm fucking back!

Pacific Grove Sprint 2014 no matter what I'm finishing you this year! If it take me three days or if I have to crawl or carry an Oxygen tank, I'm coming for you! The Black Reaper is coming for you!

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