Sunday, April 27, 2014

6 weeks! Thanks Omar and Tyson!

Walking is the great adventure, the first meditation, a practice of heartiness and soul primary to humankind.  Walking is the exact balance between spirit and humility.

- Gary Synder

Found a great new app today called "Walking for Weight loss" it's a 12 week progressive program that can be done inside or outside.

You know me I am outside sort of guy.   I was born to be in the sun with the wind in my hair and face.   I live for the sun and the worship of said sun.  This weekend I've only been in the sun for 3 hours.   That's piss poor by my accounting.  

The fear of rain washed out our brick this morning.  Having hector over to help around the house w the stupid wine bush and the puppy puts a damper on the after noon swim.  It's ok.  I'll go for a walk later.

I can commit to a 12 week program! Walking has always been my life line.  In some ways more than swimming.   The simple fact all you need to walk is your feet.  You can do it anywhere.  So it's good stuff!

I'm convinced I can commit to 12 weeks.  You want to know why?  Because as I mentioned yesterday it's been six weeks since I started working with Tyson.  We are averaging over a pound a week.  We are doing it right and natural.  I think my body is ready.  My mind is ready. It's my time.  The time of the Black Reaper!

So back to the six weeks.   The whole point of me writing is that it's been six weeks!  Six weeks of freedom from the monster inside of me.  The uncontrollable monkey that rides on my back!  The addiction that I've allowed to take my life away!  

I'm taking my life back.  I'm staying dedicated to a plan.  I'm moving.  I'm listening to my coaches.   I'm taking control and I'm starting to feel good.

Six weeks without a binge.  Six fucking weeks.  It's been a long time since I could say that.  I think the key is that I allow myself to have what I want when I want it.  If I want a burger I have one.   Pizza the same thing, but I do it controlled and in moderation.  Six weeks without a planned or unplanned gorging.  That's just good stuff!

Six weeks without fast food.   Six weeks since I've eaten at a drive thru.  The key being eaten!  Because I have been thru a drive thru pretty much everyday on way to office for coffee.   However no three cheese burgers, or three fries.   No double whoppers and nuggets.   Fucking outstanding work Billy b!  

Six weeks without ordering the pizza!  This is huge!  Pizza is good, real good, however, if I get it is by the slice and it's whole foods or even better it's Mama Rachel's!  She can make one hell of a pizza, let me tell you.  

Six weeks without soda!  Just stopped it, cold turkey!   I said soda, your poison and my body doesn't want you any more.   I said soda you you are not good, the whiff!   My body just drinks coffee and water maybe the occasional spot of tea.  I'm trying to put only the best things into my body!

What a great 6 weeks it has been!  

2014 is gonna be a great year!  The first quarter is done and I think we have to say that we are coming out ahead if projections!  

I hope you all had as good of weekend as I did and you afternoon be long and night pleasant!  A new weeks starts tomorrow and it's going to be a good week and we are going to get better!

Huge thanks to Omar who introduced me to Tyson!  Tyson thanks for making such good food!

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