Sunday, April 13, 2014


A brick workout doesn't mean lugging around bricks while running. It's a term for back-to-back workouts of two different elements of a triathlon, like biking then immediately going for a run.

- Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.” -Anonymous

“You can quit if you want, and no one will care. But you will know the rest of your life.” – John Collins (Founder of The Ironman).

A Brick

Question:  What is a brick?

Answer:  A brick is when a triathlons stacks two disciplines during the same work-out with minimal to no rest between.

Question:  By rights do I have a claim to the title triathlete?

Answer:  You are gods damned right I do.  I have a better claim than Geoffrey does to the throne.  I have better rights than Rinly has to the iron chair.   Why because whether you line it or not I'm a salty veteran to game of Triathlon.  There is a finite population of people who can say they have done one triathlon.   There are fewer that can say they crossed the finish of 7 or 8 of them.  I'm one of those people who can say with Pride that I have competed and completed in at least that many.  So am I a triathlete, yes I am.

Therefore I can tell you that I did my first brick in over a year today.   I had moved in two of the disciplines since March of 2013 at Lavaman.   I can say I did it today and I did it good!  I'm fucking back baby!  I'm fucking back!  I can say it with pride!  Everything I do from this moment forth is to cross a finish line!  I'm coming for Pacific Grove!  I'm coming for it!  I have no idea where the Gods of triathlon will take me, I have no idea where this journey will end, but I do know it started again today!  With RR, JC, and CP at my side it started again.

Oh and by the way how is this for an active weekend?

1225 swim Saturday
- 200 free
- 800 boob pyramid
- 200 free cool down
- 25 extra lap to get to ladder

Sunday 9:00 a.m. - Brick!

45 minute swim
1250 yards

- 200 boob
- 200 free
- 200 pull/kick free
- 8 x 50 free three kicks per stroke
- 200 free
- 50 boob

1/2 hour walk on track
- I won't lie, I will never lie to you here.  This is my place of truth.

In a half hour on the track I only got on a mile.  That's bad for me.  However anyone who knows me and my marathon history knows I don't do well on tracks, do whatever reason hey give me the shin splints something awful!  However just like my walk team days I endure.  I hobble and I stretch but I endure.

I'm going tell you it was all a bit emotional out there this morning on my first lap.  As I was coming out of turn two my glasses go foggy as my eyes reared up.  I was back!  I was really fucking back!  I am back!  I could CP in front of me and we all know her story and then JC came up and fist bumped me and I knew I was back!  Things have come full circle now!  I'm back!

It's these moments.  The unlikely ones.  The ones where I say 30 minutes I walked a mile, that know in my heart I'm going to win.

I'm going to transform.  You won't know me by sight.  You will only know me by voice and the enormous size of my heart.  I will do this.  I will change my life.  I will be thin and happy and do things that I dream of, it's begun.  It's begun!

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