Wednesday, April 16, 2014


1,200 yd

Battles can be funny when they are with yourself.  Take two identical nights last night and tonight and turn them over in your mind and tell why you won tonight and not last night?

Why did I make it to the pool tonight but not last night?  What was different?  Left work about the same time.  Felt the same way I've been feeling all week exhausted +.  

So why did I prevail tonight?

The truth is I don't know.  

Other than I'm running out of days in the week to work out: have to get 3 and 3 right?  Or was it?  I don't know.   

I'm still tired.  But it's a good tired because I swam.

I'm random tonight teetering between hope and despair.

As good as things are there is something missing.  I guess that's what happens when you flip the switch and decide to go on with your life.

I don't know.  

1200 swim tonight

-100 crawl
- 4 x 50 breast 25 and back crawl
- 4 x 50 backstroke 25 and back crawl
- 4 x 50 breast 25 and back crawl
- 4 x 50 crawl sprint 25 and back 25 crawl light
-200 breast
-100 crawl

On 3 of the sprints I went.  I was fucking fast and swam back steady with an active recovery.

It was good.

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