Wednesday, April 2, 2014


"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used."

-       Hunter S. Thompson

"Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power,
and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free."

-       Jim Morrison

What do you want to be? Truly? What do you want to be Billy b?

I want to be free! In my life, my writing, my work, everything! I want
to be free!

Those of you who know me, I mean really know me; know most of the life
I have lived is a lie.  I hold only myself accountable for this.  I
have lived a life where I didn't feel good enough to be myself.  I let
other dictate what I should do, when, and how.  I wasn't strong enough
to be my own person.  I failed because I was afraid of what others
would think, or even worse say about me.

The truth is I don't care anymore.  What others have to say about me.
It doesn't matter.  I never loved myself because other accepted who
and what I was.  I think I hated myself for that reason.  I was what I
was supposed to be and I became what other expected me to be.  It is
what it is.  There is no fault, no blame, not fear, loathing or
anything else.  There is only the fact I was in a prison in my own
mind.  How I got there or why; doesn't matter.  All that matters is
what I choose to do with the time that I have left in this vessel, on
this plane of existence, in this time, and in this place.

What I want above and beyond all else is to be free.  I crave it.  I
need it, I want it.  My every thought is bent on it.  To be able to
put down on the page what I truly feel that which is in my heart and
my mind.

I want to be free to make the bold move.  I want to be free to do what
I want to do when I want to do.  I want, no I crave true freedom.  To
be able to not worry about what you think about what I write.  To be
able not to worry about what I say. Do what I want to do.  Live how I
want to live.

Over the last six months, I have gone into the darkest recesses of my
mind.  To find out the reason why I have hated myself so much and
buried myself under a mountain of lard and lies.  I have found my
sins. I am dealing with them and trying to overtake them.  It is the
only true way I can move and be free.  I hear a lot mostly from family
members they don't like my blogs, I need to let go, and move on.  I
agree. I do.  I do need to be free. However, if I don't look into the
darkness and face it how can I ever be free of it?  I get free by
facing it.  My talking about it and no longer giving it power in my

We are on the verge.  We have come so far.  That is what I have been
trying to say.  As I sit here on blog three of a five blog set about
what do I truly want, I have to stop and ask myself where have I truly
been?  I am going to free my mind.  If I free my mind, then I can free
my body.  If I can free my body, then and only then can I truly pursue
happiness.  Nothing happens without freedom.  Nothing happens when the
demons are ignored and not eradicated from the mind.

I want to be free.  I really want to be free.  I want free my mind, my
heart, and my soul.

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